The Idiom of Life

Poetic Reflections on the Unpredictability of Life

R.S. Colorado
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Image Created by Midjourney

It’s a roller coaster ride through the ups and downs of life.
Floating in the air, just to stumble into the shadows.
Taking the high road, climbing the ladder,
But there are moments when it seems like a last farewell.

Easy one minute, impossible the next,
Disorienting shifts occur in the blink of an eye.
The rain comes down in sheets, a never-ending deluge.
Still, there’s always something good to be found in adversity.

Being tough helps when things go tough.
A fresh beginning as the seasons shift
Struggles force us to rethink our priorities.

Having reached an impasse, or dead end,
But if you put in the effort, you can fix anything.
Working late into the night to achieve one’s goals, life is seldom as simple as it seems on the surface.

A buck for your ideas, some quiet time to ponder
In the big scheme of things, what do we expect?
Shareable wisdom: “a stitch in time saves nine.”
Taking the bull by the horns and confronting each challenge head-on.



R.S. Colorado

27 (age) - Writing is my love language, I write about life, poetry, and anything I am going through. Follow for follow, share your story with me :)