Study of “Virtue” — 2 Peter 1

R.T. Brown
4 min readFeb 24, 2022


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What is Virtue?

virtue ESV, KJV 1900, NKJV, RSV, ASV 1901, AV 1873
goodness NIV, CSB
excellence NET 2nd ed.
excellence of character LEB
moral excellence NASB95
with goodness NRSV


  • A word of very wide significance in Greek writings
  • Any excellence of a person (in body or mind) or of a thing (an eminent endowment, property, or quality)
  • Used of a human mind and in an ethical sense, in this case, it denotes:
  • 1. (Of us)(v5) a virtuous course of thought, feeling, and action; virtue, moral goodness (some would say moral vigor) (vigor = effort, energy, and enthusiasm) (virtue = behavior showing high moral standards)
  • 2. (Of God) (v3) any particular moral excellence, as modesty or purity. In this case, it denotes God’s power.

Because God is glorious and excellent, He has called us to the same (and we do so through the knowledge of Him).

  • 1 Peter 2:9 — “Excellencies” — He’s excellent because (in part) He calls us out of darkness, saves us, chooses we who are/were in rebellion against Him
  • Hab 3:3 — “Splendor” — His splendor covers the heavens and the earth is full of His praise
  • Zech 6:13 — “Royal Honor” — Joshua, the son of the high priest, gets the crown put on his head and is to be “the Branch,” branching out from his place and building a temple for the Lord, bearing royal honor in doing so. (And so we also have been called to this — the stewardship of God’s temple and royal honor as the King’s children and ambassadors)
  • Is 43:21 — “Praise” — God formed us for Himself so that we would declare His praise (Is. 42:12, 63:7)

A virtuous (and perhaps continuous) “course of moral thought, feeling, and action” seems to go right along with Phil 4:8–9. To do this enthusiastically makes sense (‘heartily’ Col 3:23, ‘cheerfully’ 2 Cor 9:7, and ‘fully’ 1 Cor 15:58), and especially to those of the faith (Gal 6).

Peace accompanies a virtuous life (Phil 4:8–9). Even when we are anxious and frustrated by the lack of goodness (virtue) in the world and the wickedness which is so often exalted, we have peace (Phil 4:6–7). We trust God (Ps 64) and move forward in virtuous thought and work.

Work & Rest

  • I WORK towards all the good I can do, maxing out my limit.
  • I eagerly REST in my capacity to do good.

Virtue in the Context of The Path

Virtue is the road itself, the cobblestones; every step forward a good deed, something pleasing to the Lord, exciting to His Spirit within us.

Virtue In The Scriptures & In The Life of Jesus

  • Mk 7:37 — They were utterly astounded, saying “He has done all things well” and it is in context of great miracles of moral goodness. And they couldn’t stop talking about it.
  • Mt. 19:17/Mk. 10:18/Lk. 18:19— Only He is truly good (Agathos: 4. Excellent/Distinguished (This is the type of goodness they doubted could ever come from Nazareth, and yet they saw truly that He was good — John 1:46–47) 5. Upright/Honorable (following examples))
  • Lk 6:45 — Goodness will come out of Him whose heart is good
  • Acts 11:24 — Barnabus was a good man, as was Joseph of Arimathea (Lk 23:50)
  • 1 Peter 3:11 — Again goodness and peace are linked; we are to seek both
  • Mt. 25:21 — We desire, at the end of all our work, to be called good by our Master
  • Mt. 20:13–15 — Jesus, parabolically speaking of Himself, calls the complaining servant a friend and this agathos/goodness is in this case generosity, as He had given to some in abundance
  • Rom 5:7 — Even from an earthly standpoint, even a sinful and selfish human might consider giving up their own life for a good person
  • Rom 12:2 — God’s will is good, and we should conform our minds to it
  • Rom 2:10 — There is reward of glory, honor, and again peace for those who are good
  • Eph 4:28 — The type of work which is honest and works hard for the sake of having something to give others, is good
  • 3 John 1:11 — We imitate God’s goodness, and our goodness affirms that we are of God
  • Rom 12:9 — clinging to goodness and abhorring evil comes out of authentic love
  • Philemon 1:14 — Paul wanted his goodness to come out of his own free will, not compulsion. So his goodness was eager, instinctual, natural.
  • Mk. 11:15–18 — In zeal for righteousness, holiness, we can perhaps say ‘goodness,’ Jesus cleansed the temple
  • Jesus is constantly on the move, constantly with people in public and in private, and you never read it and see anything to the effect that He didn’t do all this eagerly, though we know He was tired (Mt. 8:24–25), and yet even His time alone seemed to get cut short (Mt. 14:13–14). Tons of examples like Mt. 9:35–36, 10:5, 11:1, 13:36–37, etc. Jesus worked incredibly hard (maxing out His limit, if you will), yet was always in perfect peace and content in His capacity as a human.
  • More examples through Mark

