Published inForgeIn Praise of a Bare Minimum YearWhat happens when we unhook our sense of self-worth from our accomplishments?Dec 20, 201910Dec 20, 201910
Published inGay MagPelvic Exams and the Death DriveBodies give, and bodies destroySep 17, 20191Sep 17, 20191
Published inHuman PartsFlamin’ Hot IndulgenceSince my mother died, my sharpest cravings are to see her again and to eat motherfucking Flamin’ Hot CheetosApr 18, 20183Apr 18, 20183
Published inThe AwlGuster’s Ambivalent NostalgiaWhere it’s always balmy summer or a gently crisp fall.Jul 7, 20172Jul 7, 20172
Published inThe HairpinOur Lady of Sensuality, Sarah McLachlanLife lessons and erotic discovery through music.Jun 16, 2016Jun 16, 2016