Luke Shipley
2 min readJan 19, 2018

Three industry titans are joining R_Block to help evolve our professional network, where we all have true ownership of our career data.

Fabian Vogelsteller
“Ethereum Foundation Lead”

Fabian is a long-term open source developer and author of open source. Such as Ethereum’s Mist browser, Ethereum Wallet and web3.js. Together with Vitalik Buterin, he proposed the ERC20 token standard, which started the ICO movement.

Keith Teare
“Technology kaiser”

Keith is the Executive Chair of UK venture company Accelerated Digital Ventures, and recently advised on the successful ICOs of ICOBox and Crypterium. He was a founder of TechCrunch, RealNames, and EasyNet, the first consumer Internet Service Provider in Europe and the first Cybercafe in the world — CYBERIA. EasyNet and RealNames both achieved Unicorn status during the late 1990s. Keith said:

“Proof of Reference enables a person to have validated references that can be re-used over and over. A very valuable piece of data that is extremely time-consuming to gather has been made simple and scalable. I’m proud to be helping with their ICO.”

Alexandra Kelly
“Employment Entrepreneur”

Alexandra is the ex-MD of the biggest referencing company in the world. She founded, scaled and exited her own referencing business Powerchex. She’s collected 100’s of thousands of references, and wants a fresh approach to shape the future of this industry.


Luke Shipley

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Luke Shipley

Co-founder of ZINC :::> https://zincwork.com/ <::: Creating sustainable work data with Zinc’s employee background checking tools.