Tier 1 CVT Upgrade

Luke Shipley
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


This post is solely for Tier 1 whitelisted contributors

As you know, R_Block was scheduled to move to a POA network later this year to remove transaction fees and tackle scaling issues. We’re ready earlier than expected so we’re offering Tier 1 whitelist contributors a chance to upgrade their CVT from Tuesday February 20th.

As part of the upgrade, we will be moving to a new ERC-20 token contract. This means you will need to upgrade your CVT tokens to the new smart contract. You can move your CVT to the upgraded POA smart contract as of 7PM UTC today.

Don’t worry, your upgraded CVT tokens are guaranteed and reserved for you only. You can trade in your old tokens at any point. Old CVT will be burnt upon swapping in ensuring no increase to supply. The upgraded CVT will be freely tradable immediately.

Video demo of CVT upgrade

How to get your new tokens.

1. You will need to send your old CVT tokens to the current token contract address:

You will then receive your CVT back on the newly updated CVT smart contract. This could take 2–3 hours to process but hopefully faster. You will receive the same amount of tokens as you send back. Make sure you double check this address in the dedicated Telegram group [link below].

How do I know which CVT is the old one?

The old CVT has this contract address: 0x77377bcd4c84da61bb333491e2dde1fbb33f942a

2. You will need to ‘watch’ the new CVT address.

The new CVT has this contract address: 0x4AaC461C86aBfA71e9d00d9a2cde8d74E4E1aeEa

Gas refund.

We recognise that this swap will require some gas. That’s why we’re providing gas refunds with a small bonus to all whitelist contributors. When your tokens are swapped, you will receive an additional 10 CVT to make up for the gas you’ve spent.

24/7 support.

We’ve set up a dedicated Telegram group for support during the upgrade. This group is reserved exclusively for whitelist contributors.

If you have any questions or concerns about the upgrade, please use the Whitelist Telegram group. We will be available 24/7 in this dedicated group only. We’re happy to walk you through the token swap.

This is exclusively a whitelist upgrade. General sale contributors will be receiving the new token later today. So please discuss on the Whitelist Telegram channel rather than in the main R_Block Telegram group to avoid confusion.

If you have any questions join our telegram chat. See our dedicated webpage>> http://rblock.co/whitelistupgrade.html <<


Disclaimer: R_Block’s Coinception Crowdsale is not an investment opportunity in R_Block. This blog does not constitute investment advice, I’m heavily under-qualified to provide that. Whilst we borrow models from different funding approaches the Coinception crowdsale is an open opportunity to purchase utility tokens that represent no stake in the UK Ltd company R-Block.




Luke Shipley

Co-founder of ZINC :::> https://zincwork.com/ <::: Creating sustainable work data with Zinc’s employee background checking tools.