Know your engineers to lead them to success

Rabea AbdelWahab
3 min readJul 4, 2016


Photo by Papaioannou Kostas on Unsplash

There are many engineers out there, and their daily routine would be something like; having coffee, checking that everything is running fine on production, hacker news, a couple of subreddits, and jumping to the biggest part of the day, where you get plugged in and build something that will make a customer or a user more efficient, fast, useful, or unfortunately get laid off (Yes, we do not mean to do that, most of the time) .

The engineers you hire at your company are of different mindsets even technically, they come from various work environments, which rules how your product or services you are offering will shape eventually, and how willing is this person to handle the tasks you give.

This is not; a bad/good engineer post and this is also not to say that an engineer can’t have all of the below, but each one of us can surely relate to one of them:


Steady performers, they will turn words into action, story cards into features, they have dedicated ownership of the service they are working on, and they believe they are making it better with each change they add to it. As simple as the word ownership can be, it is not found in every engineer, but the good news is; its teachable.


Their abilities shine when making a situation turn from red to green as soon as possible, with a customer first mentality, they fix now, and question later. whether it is a person or a team, this unit is the gate keeper of your product and the safety net from down times.

They code review religiously, and they participate in standardizing the way everybody contributes to the platform.


They will question a feature, and debate how it will effect the customer/user , they will come up with better solutions and evidence to back their case. one is a gem, a product owners’ best friend, since this will be the access for understanding what is happening on the technical side, and how the team can make a better product/service.


They shine when it comes to designing a solution, taking into consideration the current state of the product and what are the next steps to implement for it to grow in the right direction and power future changes. — Be careful of over architecting.


They are the drivers of proofs of concept, the non-stop seekers of whats out there that can make our products better, a technology, a design pattern, or as simple as a new standard in the way we work. They believe that even if its not broken, it can be much better.

I take this as a small guide to know the engineer I am talking to, to help me understand what can be their favorite part of the day and what challenges his mind.

A CEO, product manager, or any leader, will be lucky to have all these types of engineers, every one of them is a key component of a solid productive team, and what will always be common between them is the curiosity and openness to learn more everyday.



Rabea AbdelWahab

Senior Tech Executive | AI & Machine Learning Practitioner | Product Ideation & Innovation | Strategic Technology Planning | Business Transformation