Cassette from SuperSynapse

Rach Koch
3 min readMar 7, 2024


#CassetteOnVoi Discord, X, Warpcast

#CassetteOnVoi is a high resolution 4000 x 3000 polarized photography collection of 500 unique image. Everything you see in the image is as captured by the camera, no CG, AI, colour effects, or filters were used in the creation of the NFTs.

Super Synapse was kind enough to answer a few questions from me, about this new collection on Voi. If you have any other questions for him, make sure you comment below!

What’s your Web3 background?

I do a lot of Defi, NFT, Gaming, primarily on Polygon, Eth, Arb, Op, Base, and a little Algorand and Solana here and there. Most of my crypto is based in low cap, high risk plays. Learned about Bitcoin back in 2010, but bought my first coins in 2021.

Why did you choose Voi?

I found it when I was looking for cool projects on NFD, and saw NFD segments for .voi getting minted. Love Algorand’s tech, and Voi’s mission, as well as being able to participate.

Can you tell me a bit more about the art of your collection? How do you make photographs look like that with no AI or special effect?

So I use polarized light, which means all the rays of light are in passing in parallel, and I have a polarized filter on the camera which only allows light to pass through into the lens at a specific direction. When the polarized light hits a transparent object, specifically hard plastic in this instance, it refracts the light, creating an angle of refraction so white light in parallel splits into different colors from the light source, and filtered by the polarizer in the lens to only let certain ones through. From this, stresses in the plastic created in the injection mold cause the rainbow like effect seen in the image.

With the high resolution of the image, they make great artwork to hang in your house, or bathroom for contemplation.

Do you have any plans to distribute part of any prizes to holders of either Cassettes or Cassette Cases?

So outside of the 25 Empty Cases given away, and 25 sold, none were reserved for community giveaways after March 1st. As for the Cassettes themselves 100% are reserved for people trading the Empty cases and will ONLY be distributed to sellers during the Voi Games. This is done automatically by a bot watching sales and you can win through two categories:

  1. Sellers with a list price above 50,000 Voi/Via have a 1 in 10 chance to automatically receive a WL token on sale
  2. The highest seller each day (above 100,000 Voi/via) Will also get a guaranteed WL token.

If the Cassette collection isn’t entirely claimed during the Voi Games, Cassette will be mintable for 50,000 Voi/Via.

What’s different about how you’re playing in the Voi NFT Games?

I have a huge emphasis on the quality of my work, using the uniqueness of polarized photography NFTs. There’s easily over 60 hours invested in this project, not just in quality but quantity of positioning and capturing the 675 Cassettes. Fun fact, the cassette is suspended on a 3'x4' piece of museum grade glass I had special framed for this specific purpose.

As for the Voi NFT games, I really liked the gamification of trading to increase participation and make it really fun and special when someone does win. While also not pumping the price to something unatainable to new people coming in. The only real cost is the 5% royalty of the Empty Cassette Case which amounts to 2,500 Voi/Via which I feel is a low enough bar for most everyone to do multiple times.

Time will tell how it’s received, but I will be interested in how people value the Cassette NFTs themselves. Super excited to see more of them get minted, as they are really cool to look at.



Rach Koch

Rach runs NFTales, a writing and NFT project on the Algorand blockchain. She also Is one of the team for Treehouses on the Voi Network.