The Treehouse Toolbox: A User’s Guide

Rach Koch
Apr 8, 2024


The Treehouse Toolbox is a suite of tools designed to make the life of project leads on Voi easier.

Snapshot Tools

Take an instant snapshot and download a csv of holders, or schedule a snapshot and receive the csv to your email address at the requested time.


Airdrop Tools

Airdrop VOI or ARC200 tokens to:

  • NFT collections- A Guide
  • ARC200 token holders- A Guide
  • Liquidity Providers- A Guide
  • Node Runners (under construction)
  • To wallets from a csv (in progress)

NFT Tools

Tools to help NFT collectors and creators enjoy a thriving ecosystem!

  • Send ARC200 NFTs - A Guide
  • NFT Incinerator (under construction)
  • Simple ARC19 mint (under construction)
  • Simple ARC69 mint (under construction)
  • ARC72 Metadata Update (under construction)



Rach Koch

Rach runs NFTales, a writing and NFT project on the Algorand blockchain. She also Is one of the team for Treehouses on the Voi Network.