Biography: Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery

Rachel Daddesio
1 min readMay 27, 2020


Rachel Katherine Daddesio of Montgomery is an exceptional assurance professional. Rachel Daddesio has a proven track record of in-charging a broad range of audits for a diverse set of public and private clients in the exploration and production, insurance, real estate and non-profit sectors.

Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery is a motivated, detail-oriented and goal-setting professional who exhibits a broad range of audit, administrative, business analysis and project management skills. Rachel Daddesio of Montgomery is a graduate of the Integrated Master of Professional Accounting Program — Financial Reporting and Assurance track from The University of Texas at Austin.

Rachel Katherine Daddesio’s pastimes include reading science fiction and mystery, traveling, enhancing foreign language fluency and running.



Rachel Daddesio

Rachel Daddesio’s pastimes include reading science fiction and mystery, traveling, enhancing foreign language fluency and running.