The Owl Man

In the 1970s, strange sightings of a creature resembling a giant owl with a humanoid appearance began terrorizing the small town of Mawnan in England.

Rachel Holmes
6 min readApr 28, 2023


Source: Wikipedia

Some fears never disappear with time. Instead, certain dark events mark the life of a person and even the life of a town’s population.

That was the case in West Virginia (USA) and Cornwall (England), two towns that always remembered the Owlman attacks between 1966 and 1978.

In West Virginia, it first appeared in 1966, causing panic among the city’s residents and a collective hysteria that forced many inhabitants to create curfew rules for an extended period due to the fear of the creature’s attacks.

However, according to residents’ accounts, it was not until 1972 that the situation returned to normal, the year in which people returned to their everyday lives without the dread caused by the fear of encountering this sinister being.

However, the West Virginia apparitions do not compare with those in Cornwall, England.

The first two witnesses were two sisters, Vicky, age nine, and Melling, age 12, in June 1976.

The girls were on vacation with their family in Cornwall and decided to walk through the woods; on their way, they…

