Radiant v2 Migration Day FAQ

Radiant Capital
5 min readMar 12, 2023


Overview: As approved through Governance Proposals RFP-3, RFP-4, RFP-5, RFP-6, RFP-7 & RFP-8 — the Radiant DAO will be implementing significant changes in Radiant v2. Launch date is imminent, and will be shared as soon as possible.

The v1->v2 migration process has been in development for months to ensure a seamless transition for all users of the protocol. Radiant core contributors have looked to automate as much of this as possible, though some manual steps will be required.

Migration Day

On Migration Day, RDNT emissions will programmatically be enabled for v2 pools, and disabled for v1 pools as well as the SushiSwap LP “Pool 2” staking pool.

Additionally, in order to achieve the Radiant DAO’s vision of becoming the #1 omnichain money market, an implementation of LayerZero’s Omnifungible Token (OFT) is a critical milestone.

OFTs enable full composability — reducing liquidity fragmentation, stacked smart contract exposure, or finality risk.

It allows for Radiant to own its own bridging contracts, reducing risk and reliance on external partners.

As a result, users will need to migrate their v1 RDNT tokens to the new v2 RDNT OFT, which follows the familiar ERC-20 standard. Technical documentation on the LayerZero OFT standard can be found here

Migration Wizard

An easy-to-use custom Migration Wizard will assist users throughout this entire process. The migration process can be completed in just a few minutes.

You’ll be guided through seamlessly claiming rewards, unwinding RDNT/ETH Sushi LP positions, moving v1 deposits to the v2 lending pool contracts, and lastly, migrating the RDNT token to OFT, at a 1:1 ratio.

The below steps are required by RDNT tokenholders, protocol users with collateral deposited, Liquidity Providers, and lockers of RDNT to ensure a seamless migration:

I hold the RDNT token in my wallet.

On Migration Day, you will need to utilize the Radiant Migration Wizard to migrate your v1 RDNT tokens to v2. The wizard is easy to use and will only take a few minutes. You will receive the v2 RDNT token on a 1:1 basis for the RDNT in your wallet (does not include pending, or vesting RDNT).

Note: this is a one-way directional bridge, as there will be no use for the v1 token after migration day.

I hold RDNT on a centralized exchange.

The Radiant DAO has notified every centralized exchange that supports RDNT of the migration and provided them with a means to coordinate the swap directly through the Migration Portal on behalf of their users. Please follow announcements from the centralized exchange you hold RDNT. If the exchange where you hold your RDNT does not support the migration, you should withdraw your RDNT to a supported exchange or Arbitrum wallet of your choice. The Radiant DAO will keep the migration portal open with no set end date so users will have ample time to migrate v1 RDNT to v2 RDNT.

I hold RDNT or RDNT LP tokens on a DEX.

On Migration Day, all protocol-owned DEX liquidity will be removed from RDNT v1 and deployed on RDNT v2. The Migration Wizard will assist users with unwinding their Sushi LP positions, migrating the v1 RDNT token to v2, and then re-forming their LP positions in a single, easy-to-use zap. As discussed in RFP-3, LP tokens that will be accepted for staking on Arbitrum will be a RDNT-wstETH 80/20 pool on Balancer. For those who are providing liquidity on other protocols (e.g., Uniswap v3, TraderJoe), you will need to remove your liquidity manually.

It is recommended that users unwind their v1 LP positions on or before migration day. That said, if you cannot unwind positions on migration day, you can still unwind in the following days as the Migration Portal will remain open.

New POL pools with the v2 RDNT tokens will be formed on Balancer, Uniswap, and TraderJoe.

I have locked RDNT.

The Radiant DAO identified this potential issue prior to Migration which is why locking of RDNT was disabled on the protocol front-end several weeks ago. This means that any user who locked RDNT through the “Manage RDNT” front-end will be able to easily withdraw unlocked v1 RDNT on Migration Day directly via the Migration Wizard.

I have pending and/or vesting RDNT

“Pending RDNT” refers to the status of emissions whereby a user has not yet triggered a vest. For example — if a user has 10,000 USDC deposited then they are receiving emissions and these emissions must be vested in order to start the vesting clock.

If a user wishes to migrate their pending or vesting rewards to Radiant v2, they will need to either:

  1. Pay the early exit penalty (50%) to convert vesting RDNT to liquid (and therefore migratable) RDNT
  2. Wait out the full 28-day vesting period

Learn more about vesting here. As a reminder, there is no set end date where the migration portal will be deprecated, so for those who wish to vest their RDNT entirely without penalty, they will be able to do

I have accrued RDNT as part of my protocol fees

RDNT accrued from platform fees is liquid and the Migration Wizard will assist you with seamlessly claiming Platform Fees in a single click.

Have any audits been completed for Radiant v2?

Radiant v1 has undergone successful, top-to-bottom audits with PeckShield & Solidity — both of whom reported zero critical findings. The full report can be found here and here.

While Radiant v2 is primarily composed of the same codebase as Radiant v1 — the Radiant DAO takes safety & security seriously and tripled down on audits.

We did multiple top-to-bottom v2 audits with Peckshield and Zokyo, with zero unresolved critical or high issues. BlockSec was also hired for whitehat hacking with zero unresolved issues. The full reports of these audits will be published in the Gitbook.

Lastly, there will be a world-class 24/7 security system with OpenZeppelin Defender, where a team will monitor and instantly respond to smart contract events. Circuit breakers and automated actions are in place to instantly respond to potential attacks within seconds.


The Radiant DAO is hoping to launch v2 of the protocol during the next week, so please keep an eye out for updates. The Radiant DAO will supply the official RDNT token contract across all social channels along with a minimum of a 24-hour notification prior to deployment.

Keep alerts on our Twitter, @RDNTcapital, or Discord for updates over the coming days.



Radiant Capital

Radiant is building the first omnichain money market atop LayerZero. Deposit & borrow across multiple chains, seamlessly. https://twitter.com/RDNTCapital