The 10 Most Frightening Horror Radio Episodes Ever

Radio Horror Shop
5 min readOct 28, 2021


best radio horror episodes volume 1
If you’re into spookiness and creepy Halloween stories, then you have come to the right place!

Radio Horror Shop has started this Halloween season off by releasing a series of scary, classic radio episodes called ‘Radio Horror Volume 1’. These episodes are sure to make your skin crawl with the weirdness and how spooky these stories are! If you’re into spookiness and creepy Halloween stories, then you have come to the right place!

Want to listen to the most frightening horror radio episodes? Radio Horror Shop has just the thing for you…

The most frightening horror radio episodes:

1. Evening Primrose
With a strange assortment of characters and an adventure that is sure to keep your heart racing, this horror radio episode is one of the best. On the night of September 12, 1948, a New Yorker realized he wasn’t alone. He felt as if he had 100 sets of eyes staring at him, but he didn’t see anyone around. He felt as if hundreds of hands were reaching for his throat and all he wanted to do was escape. Were these feelings of being trapped real or fake? You’ll have to listen to find out…

2. Three Skeleton Key
A true classic horror story that includes a lighthouse and rats. Looking to escape from a lonely lighthouse, the main character is looking to leave the jungle of French Guyana when he walks right into his biggest nightmare. Filled with terror and violence, this horror story is something that may just keep you up at night.

3. The Wailing Wall
Taking place on November 6, 1945, a man strangles his wife and is constantly haunted by the noises she made when it was happening… for 40 years! Living on the waterfront area of downtown Manhattan, this character notices fog creeping into his home and his town. There is an old, rundown, abandoned mansion tucked between two skyscrapers, which stands out like a sore thumb. But tonight, on November 6th, the character sees nothing but bright yellow flames coming from being those shutters. What happened and was it real?

4. Death Robbery
Taking place back on July 16th of 1947, a man tries to bring one of his best friends back to life. His friend, being a scientist who died in a car accident, may have some hidden secrets from his dedicated friend. Does bringing his friend back to life bring back joy to his life, or was bringing him back the wrong decision? In this suspenseful radio show, leaving your friend in the Great Beyond may have been the smarter decision…

5. House in Cypress Canyon
A chilling story taking place on December 5, 1946, where the nighttime is filled with the howling of werewolves. A young couple rents a cheap house and while they are unpacking and settling in, they discover a locked closet that has no key. They don’t think anything of it until one night during their stay, they hear unearthly shrieks. First, they think it’s from off in the distance, but they shortly realize the sound is coming from that closet. They go to the closet to check it out, and they notice what seems to be blood… What is in that closet, and will they ever figure it out?

‘zero hour’ by ray bradbury
Zero Hour; one of the most controversial plays ever heard over your radio!

6. Pretty Girl
Every school campus has a girl who is a tease and a pretty girl, right? They seem to have a perfect life and they have perfect looks, but is that really the truth? In this spooky Halloween radio show, the pretty girl on campus meets a man who doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. This story is about a young girl who was able to get her way with any man she’s ever come into contact with, until now. How does this story pane out? You’ll have to listen to find out…

7. The Hitchhiker
One of the most suspenseful horror radio episodes you’ll hear, the Hitchhiker is a radio classic that takes you on a cross-country drive where this character’s destiny is their passenger. Driving cross-country can get lonely but when you receive unexpected company, was it really worth it, or would it have been better to stay at home?

8. The Screaming Women
One night, a little girl hears a screaming woman. Not just any screaming woman, this woman has been buried alive. March 1, 1955 was the day that Maggie was sent on an errand on Thanksgiving Day. She took a shortcut through her neighbor’s lot where she and her friends used to play and where they made a fort. When she’s passing through, she notices her fort was covered up. She goes to check out why and that’s when she hears the scream from underground. She runs home to get her parents and get help, but they think she’s lying. Does she help the woman who was buried alive or do her parents not take her seriously?

9. Zero Hour
Suspense brings you one of the most controversial plays ever heard over your radio! On October 4, 1953, this classic tale about “Drill” and the game of “Invasion”, is filled with suspense. Across the city, children under the age of 11 are playing a game that they call “Zero Hour”. At 5 pm on that same day, the Martians are planning to invade the Earth. Will the invasion happen, and if it does, what will happen to Earth as we know it?

10. The Creeper
One of the most suspenseful horror stories you’ll hear on the radio today, The Creeper takes you into the mind of a serial killer who has it out for redheads. Constantly strangling redheaded victims, The Creeper is a melodrama that is both terrifying and suspenseful. The Creeper has the entire city in a manic state, but who is the Creeper? Will he ever be found and stopped? Answering these questions is a challenge for detectives and one that may never be answered…

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Are you looking to get into the Halloween spirit with spooky radio? Radio Horror Shop has you covered!

Are you looking to get into the Halloween spirit with some spooky radio episodes Radio Horror Shop has you covered! With hundreds of thriller radio episodes, you can spend your day or night listening to the spookiest stories you’ve ever heard.



Radio Horror Shop

We have compiled the most terrifying radio drama’s of the 1940’s & 50’s ever produced.