It’s like those $16 Candles that we all get, but never actually light because….well… they are $16 candles

You can’t wait to enjoy life because you haven’t reached that “certain point.”

R. L. Heyen
3 min readNov 17, 2017

“I got a pen and it doubles as a FLASHLIGHT,” I told him excitedly.

“You sound so happy about that,” he laughs.

“Gotta enjoy the little things,” I responded.

We both laughed.

See, I feel I’m hardwired to keep thinking of what the future looks like, sometimes I forget to, “stop and smell the roses.” However, the above conversation I recently had is a great example (on a smaller scale) as to why you should enjoy life now, not waiting to reach whatever “perfect point,” you have in your mind.

If you are never happy with your life NOW, I’m going to go on a limb and say you’re not going to be happy when you do reach that “perfect point,” because you’ve wired yourself not to bask in the moments. So when you do eventually reach whatever that point is of success, or weight loss or gain, or relationship status, etc. it won’t actually feel as great as you thought it would. You have to be willing to strive for more and for better in life, but also be happy with your life now.

What good does it do to only focus on the negatives?

It would be easy for most of us to focus on the negatives in our lives, or things that have happened in our past, but WHAT GOOD DOES THAT DO US? Yes, you should learn from those things and want better for yourself, but to put all of your focus on the bad, it will HOLD YOU DOWN, literally speaking, you will feel weighed down by the world.

Let’s not always wait to plan a getaway because we HAVE TO WORK or everything will fell a part if we aren’t there.

Let’s not wait to be a certain size to sit poolside soaking up the sun.

Let’s not wait to let ourselves be vulnerable with others until we are ABSOLUTELY sure they won’t hurt us, because yes, we should guard our peace, but we can’t experience connections with others without giving some of ourselves into it.

Let’s not wait until we reach a certain degree, promotion, status in the community to enjoy our current life.

You do know what movie this is, right?


If I asked you right now to make a list of the negatives in your life, and then asked you to write a list of positives in your life, which list would you be able to write quicker? Which list would be longer? The key here is to know obstacles will come, hard times will happen, know things in your past have shaped you, BUT to find your happy space and enjoy your life each day.

“Enjoying your reality is far more powerful than enjoying a dream you wish to hopefully come true,” Daniel CJ Grant.

I tend to be a thinker, or maybe some might call me an ‘over-thinker,’ and this year specifically I have spent time finding the time to ground myself, find peace in myself and the current moment, and find happiness and enjoyment in the little things or for no reason at all other than I am alive. I challenge you to schedule time for yourself to do just that. It’s not just a “hey I am going to start thinking more positively,” kind of thing. It requires WORK, FOCUS, TIME, and ATTENTION, just like any goal you have. You got this.

— R. L. Heyen

Facebook: R. L. Heyen

Instagram: rlheyen

If you enjoyed this week’s blog please let me know. Thanks for reading.

