The Road to Grateful Moments & the ‘beyond-your-control-circumstances’ that make you get there

What if Life as You Know It Was Taken Away From YOU, What Would You Do?

R. L. Heyen
3 min readJul 23, 2018
Yes, you see it, I am using that expensive candle because why not? This is a milestone moment for me. Speaking of the candle, read my past post, “It’s Like Those $16 Candles that we all get, but never actually light because.. well … they are $16 candles.” ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← (Also, shout-out to #YWA and always having just the kind of yoga I need)

There I was on mat for the first time in two months since my accident. It was a thought-out-process to get there. I had to use my wheelchair, put the brake on (something you learn when being in a wheelchair), transfer myself with my upper body onto the ottoman (because the Doc has gave ‘the okay’ to use my shoulder and wrist), once on the ottoman I used my arms and ‘good leg,’ (well now I’m calling it my muscle leg) to get me down to the ground.

So there I was on the mat for the first time in two months, and I instantly began tearing up. I don’t think tears are weakness, but I just don’t cry that much. However, this has been an emotional journey and time in my life. Sometimes I feel like not sharing, and then other times I feel people will be able to relate to me or feel that whatever it is they are going through, it is temporary.

Being on my mat, I was in a state of gratitude of how far I have come, for the people in my life, for God, the universe, for life itself, even in knowing I have a lot of pain (both physically and mentally in store for me on the way)- I have this moment and it just meant a lot to me. On the flip side of this, that means I have a lot of milestones to push myself to get to, and that feeling is what I am living for.

This post isn’t about yoga; it’s about whatever yoga is for you (insert that here), and if it was taken a way from you for nothing you did. It really gets to your psyche. You probably will have a lot of questions as to why, a lot of mixed emotions on you unforeseen hardship.

I am feeling good RIGHT now, and I know there are going to be times I hit lows as well, so I am not coming to you saying; “Yes, this happen to you, but you have this to be grateful for.” I am very much willing to say you can both be grateful for life and struggling with your life at the same time. I’ll be the first to admit it and say to you, I understand. Sometimes, I think people don’t know what to to say, so their response is something like “It could be worse,” in a nice manner. DUH. We know that.

You are perfectly okay struggling with something, its natural if your life is flipped upside down. I just want to say, when I was in a huge funk, my positive self vanished for a while. So, I just want you to know, whatever you are going through is temporary. Every struggle is temporary. You will see whatever it is (wherever it is life is taking you) over that huge mountain blocking your view right now.

— R. L. Heyen

Facebook: R. L. Heyen

Instagram: rlheyen

First, look at all that love right there. I got my cast off Friday (7/20/18) & I was so nervous that I was going to get another hard cast, because well, my injuries were very serious and bad… but I didn’t. I kept praying for progress, that I just needed this to feel like what I have been doing, pushing myself, but safely -meant something. And the doctor said, “We are going to put you in a boot,” my heart just felt relief. I can’t put into the proper words. I can’t put most things into the proper words for this journey. This journey the Doc says could take up to a year, but I have to keep pushing and bask in these moments of gratitude.

Thank you so much for the read. I hope again it resonated with some of you who read. If you have any comments, maybe of your milestones or struggles, add to the conversation. Thanks in advance.

