Montegrappa Ancient Mexican Civilizations Rollerball Pen — 18kt Gold — $143,000.00

Best Answer to “Sell Me This Pen” I Have Ever Seen

Rafael Magaña
3 min readApr 18, 2017


I personally never thought anyone would actually say, “sell me this pen” in an interview. I was wrong. It will happen to you too. And to avoid panic, you should know exactly what to say back.

I am going to give you the right sales framework to respond perfectly every time.

There are exactly four sales skills the interviewer is looking to see when you answer:

  1. how you gather information
  2. how you respond to information
  3. how you deliver information
  4. and how you ask for something (closing)

CEO: Do me a favor, sell me this pen. (reaches in his suit inner pocket to hand me the pen)

Me: (I slowly roll the pen between my index and thumb fingers.) When was the last time you used a pen?

CEO: This afternoon.

Me: Do you remember what kind of pen that was?

CEO: No.

Me: Do you remember why you were using it to write?

CEO: Yes. Signing new client contracts.

Me: Well I’d say that’s the best use for a pen (we have a subtle laugh).

Wouldn’t you say signing those new client contracts is an important event for the business? (nods head) Then shouldn’t it be treated like one. What I mean by that is, here you are signing new client contracts, an important and memorable event. All while using a very unmemorable pen.

We grew up, our entire lives, using inexpensive BIC pens because they get the job done for grocery lists, directions, and notes. But we never gave it much thought to learn what’s best for more important events.

This is the pen for more important events. This is the tool you use to get deals done. Think of it as a symbol for taking your company to the next level. Because when you begin using the right tool, you are in a more productive state of mind, and you begin to sign more new client contracts.

Actually. You know what? Unfortunately, this is my last pen today (reach across to hand pen back to CEO). So, I suggest you get this one. Try it out. If you’re not happy with it, I will personally come back next week to pick it up. And it won’t cost you a dime.

What do you say?

CEO: (picks jaw up off floor) Yes.

See how simple that was. The CEO loved it. Why?

Because all four sales skills were displayed.

Here’s the simple sales framework I used to answer “sell me this pen”. Memorize it for yourself.

  1. Find out how they last used a pen (gather info)
  2. Emphasize the importance of the activity they last used a pen (respond to info)
  3. Sell something bigger than a pen, like a state of mind (deliver info)
  4. Ask for the buy (closing)

Montegrappa Ancient Mexican Civilizations Rollerball Pen — 18kt Gold — $143,000.00

Montegrappa Ancient Mexican Civilizations Rollerball Pen — 18kt Gold — $143,000.00

This is a Mayan calendar pen and is a Limited Edition that is one of only 20. Mexican cultures were considered to have been advanced enough to have beaten the Europeans to creating writing systems that were indigenous to the area. This would include the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Olmecs, the Toltecs, and the Teotihuacan. Montegrappa wanted to honor those civilizations with this pen. Every surface is decorated with Mexican god images and Mayan architectural patterns. The lost wax technique for casting was used for the majority of the pen, cap, and barrel, with hand-etched details.


  • Materials- Translucent enamel and Sterling Silver
  • Packaging-A special presentation box
  • Color Pattern- Gold and Bordeaux Red
  • Materials- 18kt Gold and enamel



Rafael Magaña

On a quest to inspire careers, leaders, and community. I write about management, leadership, and personal development. I tell my stories so you can find yours.