The harvest is near, I shall settle here

BYOland selection guide* digest

5 min readJun 2, 2022



Having a hard time figuring out where to place your BYOland? Should you shelter deep in the mountains, watch the convoys from your porch or set up a black goo stand on the outskirts of town? Below is a digest of the official guide — don’t forget your pills and choose wisely.

At the beginning (they all had equal chances)

  • All players will start the game in an area called The Proving Grounds (easy peasy, but I hate crowds…)
  • Danger levels increase with the rarity of the biome/zone (tryp gets worse the farther we get, inhale, got it)
  • Exploring the more dangerous biomes requires preparation (finger on the pills)
  • You will be able to teleport to your land’s base where you’ll be safe (and enjoy the view through an armored window or periscope)
  • Depending on how dangerous your biome is you may have to obtain the means to survive outside of your base. (the couch is always easy to get in but hard to get out of)

Logistics (win wars)

  • You WILL be moving resources between towns, outposts, and lands to use, sell or trade them
  • Understanding the travel modes is crucial to informed land selection
  • There are 3 basic modes of transportation best suited for different strategies:
I hate carnivorous moss

Walking / Running (If you can walk it, you can drop it)

  • Stamina is a character resource used when performing physical activities such as fighting, sprinting, or collecting resources (you run, I’ll walk)
  • Walking does not drain stamina (I curse ’em, I shoot ’em and they just keep on walkin’)
  • Stamina is drained by: sprinting, heat, and environmental hazards (clean your filters regularly)
  • You’ll move slower in humid and faster in dry zones
  • Different Apostle types have different levels of speed & stamina (fatboys dry out longer)
  • You may consider placing your base closer to a road/trade hub in humid & hazardous areas (imho)
I love the sunrise though

BYOCrafts (’cause nothin beats a road tryp)

  • Crafts are made for roads (roads are fitted with gravitoelectric couplers ensuring optimal repulsorlifts performance)
  • On-road, crafts utilize their full stats without any performance loss
  • Off-road, crafts loose speed and may incur damage or debuffs based on terrain type
  • Crafts have a limited cargo capacity which may be improved by investing resources to craft consumable boosters or enhanced BYOCraft parts
  • Not all roads were created equal — roads deteriorate (depending on biome) and require maintenance. Guild maintained roads in high traffic zones may come in handy. Tolls? Hope you took your transponder. (Perks of downtown livin’. Don’t bet on your craft to get you anywhere fast on a road that nobody else cares about)
  • Players and especially Guilds will have the ability to build new roads and connect them to the main roads, which will then allow them to set up their own convoys after unlocking the adequate technologies. (We keep workin’ on that armored craft-train design but for now, a caravan will do)
Provoking energy instability is one of my passions

Teleportation (nothing beats instant gratification)

  • Is an unlockable skill that allows the use of certain CRAFTED pills to perform teleportation. Voyagers get a headstart on teleportation skill (’cause they know they can’t walk the walk)
  • Can also be performed by activating a Master Pill (original)
  • Only works to/from a town/outpost that has already been discovered or to/from the player’s BYOLand (for best results: scout early, join a guild, or just stay on the couch)
  • There is NO load limit when teleporting but there is a price curve
  • Teleportation is not a silver bullet — it’s crack, a crack in the shape of reality provoking instability in the BYOEnergy field around you, both at your starting point and destination. (Watch out for lava, monsters, and lava monsters — or get on that caravan)
They’re here to protect us right?

Convoys (what a day, what a wonderful day)

  • Convoys are a cheap and practical way to move significantly more resources than by walking or BYOCraft by providing NPC and player-organized security (or a fat target)
  • Guilds and lone wolves will offer route scouting and protection services. (for a fee)
  • (Being able to reliably report passing caravans could become a good source of income)
The diverse BYOverse

Location, Location, Location (you can’t go wrong though as the market always goes up)

  • Most trading, missions, and events occur in Towns (though there are three-day raves organized annually out in the wild)
  • When you deliver resources into a town, they become registered tradeable tokens in that specific location! (that’s right, here is not there)
  • If you buy resources from a distant town, you will need to travel there and physically collect it from that town to be able to use it. (did you say you dropped it at the Astroverse?)
  • Settling deep into the wilderness will provide isolation from other players and increase your chance to keep your entire production at the cost of more difficult access to the town markets and higher exposure to Anomalies. (You a toughboy? Got a guild escort? This is your “No guts, no glory” setup)
  • Settling closer to towns offers easy access to the market and low anomaly exposure, at the cost of opening up for being raided by other players, thus providing lower but more stable production potential. (I’m just a small-time trader, I like to lay low, drop off my junk in the town, pop a pill, kick back on my antigrav chair and watch those limbless poor bastards trickle in from the wilderness as the sun sets, with a fraction of their original loads)

That’s enough to digest for today fellow BYOVerse residents. Don’t forget to take your pills and watch out for those radiation spikes!

If you are passionate about NFT games check out my article series on the Evolution of gaming. I’m currently working on a full article featuring the BYOverse as part of the series.

Digested by Raftor.eth

All the details in this digest were extracted from the official BYOPills Guide:

Learn more about the wonderful world of BYOPills:





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Web3 writer. Passionate about blockchain games. I write articles, guides, lore and long-form fiction.