The Purple Rain (2)

3 min readSep 22, 2022


An Outkast project fanfiction story

source —

High Emissary Raznar Varolis aboard “Blue Dawn” skyliner en route to the Council of Dura

Sparkling reflections from the golden fabric of the ceremonial tunic Emissary Raznar was mandated to wear for this official occasion illuminated his spacious private quarters aboard the luxury skyliner casting golden-orange shadows on the quartz walls and oval table in front of him.

He picked up the two large, platinum-adorned ice sapphire rings found exclusively at the waterfall city of Anotteros and carefully placed them on his wrinkled crimson horns. Blue and red on gold. The colors of the double stance principle. The red-skinned Azarian officials wore pure sapphires and the blue-skinned Nagarians pure rubies to signify the balance of power and eternal equality of the two dominant species of Dura. The gold tunics with varying degrees of ornaments were reserved for members of the council and the multiple echelons of high-ranking bureaucrats that served them.

Raznar was never a fan of ceremonies. Not even when Ghamora was still around. He raised his hands in front of him and slid them down slowly in a semi-circular pattern emulating the movements of stroking the antennas of an Azarian female. His eyes watered. It’s been seven years since Ghamora departed but he could still feel her presence everywhere. She was always watching, guiding him with her inner voice that never fully dissipated. The morning sun reminded him of the many breakfasts they’d had together with young Lazzar and Hobany at the abandoned watchtower winter retreat deep in the Prism Mountains. He’d wake up quietly before dawn, put on his Merkkhonese silk robe, brew a pot of strong Volis milk and start preparing the many ingredients needed for the one and only Sha’Halaen goose and moss omelet. They’d already struggled back in the day getting Ghamora out of bed but she’d always found the delicate scent of the moss omelet irresistible.

They’d sit on the see-through glass floor of the triangular terrace of their winter retreat, sip the stim-milk, and marvel at the tiny eyes of mountain lakes nestled between the sapphire peaks in the distance. This idyllic life, before the great expansion, seemed a distant memory now. It felt surreal and alien. Only the few holo reels he decided to keep reminded him, on the rare occasion when he was strong enough to watch them, of the times when he did not have to bear the responsibilities that he was now endowed with. A time when he had a life beyond duty.

He felt a subtle tingling in his upper stomach as the craft started descending towards its final destination. They were getting close now. He glanced at the valley below glittering with hundreds of tiny reflections from the pointy noses of the neo-classical Durashian architecture. The air filled with the subtle aroma of the mezeian gas — a mild stimulant helping mitigate the effects of quick descent and deceleration. He could clearly see the huge rising spires of the Great Bridge of Durasha in the distance. From the distance, the mammoth structure looked small and unimposing. It was astonishing how clear the atmosphere has become in the Dura thanks to decades of terraforming as he could already pick out the illuminated gargoyle sculptures on the support spires.

If only our aircraft could be modified to operate effectively in the “land beyond” — he thought, as he stroked the scales on his chin — protect the engines, boost the sensors, find means to detect and avoid the Sandvarks, then they could finally stop the blockade runners, set up an effective supply chain, breach the Malaia shield and put an…

“Arriving at the Grand Council” — an electronic voice announced over the intercom.

He stood up, straightened his tunic, and swallowed a calming salt. He was not looking forward to giving his report on the recent events and lack of progress made by Commodore Adiyan or the stark news coming from the great wall city of Garudor. This Malaian insurrection has certainly stained the carefully groomed image of the Durashian Federation, and it was up to him to rectify it.

To be continued…




Web3 writer. Passionate about blockchain games. I write articles, guides, lore and long-form fiction.