How to Master Shapes in UX/UI Design Through its Psychology

Rahul Raman
6 min readJan 12, 2022


Any visual composition’s success is heavily influenced by how others see it. Psychology has a vital role in affecting human perception. We’ve previously addressed the significance of psychological concepts in design and how helpful they can be when it comes to understanding users in one of our previous posts.

The psychology of shapes is the topic of today’s essay. Let’s have a look at what this research is looking at and how it might assist designers in their creative process.

Source: Dribble

Psychology of Shapes

Shape may be used to evaluate all visual things. For example, a typical home may be viewed as a rectangle with a triangle on top, and the sun is frequently shown as a circle with lines surrounding it. People may not always be aware of the figures and forms that surround them, yet they have a significant influence on our consciousness and conduct. The psychology of shapes is the science that studies the impact of forms on individuals.

According to the study, each shape has its own meaning and impacts our minds and responses in different ways. Several psychological tests employ forms to describe a person’s personality or mental health. A beloved figure, for example, can reveal a person’s personality qualities, while a hurriedly picked form can reveal what’s on the mind.

Years of research and testing have assisted experts in defining what meaning each shape typically conveys and how it might impact human perception. Let’s take a closer look at this.

Source: Dribble

Meaning of Geometric Shapes

When most people hear the term shape, they immediately think of geometric shapes. People observe a variety of geometric forms daily, including squares, circles, rectangles, and others. But what precisely do they indicate? Let’s see.

Squares and Rectangles

These two shapes are believed to be the most often utilized. We see them many times every day. Walls and furniture, books or monitors, mobile phones and cameras, and many more daily items are square or rectangular in shape. Straight lines and straight angles in these two forms provide a sense of dependability and security. People strongly connect squares and rectangles with structures, which is why they evoke feelings of confidence and authority.

Common meanings:

  • discipline
  • strength
  • courage
  • security
  • reliability.


Triangles are energizing and dynamic shapes that are constantly linked with motion and direction. The lines are arranged in such a manner that our eyes are drawn to the top of a triangle or in the direction it is oriented. Triangles can have a variety of meanings. An upright triangle evokes emotions of stability and balance, but an inverted triangle appears dangerous and poised to fall, causing individuals to get nervous.

Common meanings:

  • excitement
  • risk
  • danger
  • balance
  • stability.

Circles, Ovals, and Ellipses

As they have no beginning or finish, the primary and foremost connotation of their form is eternity. The circle has long been associated with the sun and Earth, as well as other cosmic objects, but the ellipse is associated with the whole cosmos. As a result, circular forms can evoke feelings of enchantment and mystery. Furthermore, unlike the preceding forms, circles do not contain angles, making them softer and gentler.

Common meanings:

  • eternity
  • female
  • universe
  • magic
  • mystery.


These forms are frequently observed in nature, like shells and certain flowers, which is why they are typically connected with the circle of life and growth. In addition, spirals may signify wisdom or information in various civilizations. They are seen as a sign of innovation and a fresh mind in modern culture.

Common meanings:

  • growth
  • creativity
  • calmness
  • intelligence.

Natural shapes meaning

Mother Nature’s creations all have their own distinct form. Leaves, flowers, trees, animals, and many more flora and fauna representatives serve as a source of inspiration for artists and designers. Natural forms have distinct significance in terms of the plants and animals they represent. They frequently provide a sense of relaxation and harmony with the natural world. Animals and plants, too, can have unique traits and symbolism. A rose, for example, is a flower of love and passion, but a lion is a sign of pride and courage, but that is a topic for another day.

Common meanings:

  • originality
  • organic
  • balance
  • refreshment.

Abstract shapes meaning

They are generally graphic representations of abstract concepts or reduced copies of natural forms. Some abstract forms might be difficult to identify since they are stylized and only minor characteristics indicate what they are. A single abstract form may have both direct and metaphorical meanings. It is frequently used in graphic design, particularly in logos and icons. Without the use of language, abstract forms are an efficient method to convey a message fast.

Common meanings:

  • the duality of meaning
  • uniqueness
  • elaborate.

How designers use the psychology of shapes

Shapes play an important role in all design directions. They may be used as parts of a visual composition as well as a content organizing technique for grouping design elements. To create a complex design, designers must examine the significance of forms and the influence they have on the minds of consumers.

Graphic designers frequently work with little yet significant components such as logos and icons. A strong logo must express the correct message, which will act as the brand’s voice. If the shapes for a logo are picked correctly, they will help to express the proper attitude without the use of additional words. For example, in the case of a financial company’s logo, one way may be to use forms that express a sense of trust and balance, such as a square or triangle.

User interfaces for digital products frequently employ a variety of forms. They may be used as buttons or icons, as well as to arrange the layout’s content. Text blocks, for example, are frequently grouped in a rectangle or square form, allowing users to rapidly read and copy. Designers may build efficient information architecture for a product by utilizing various forms. The layout’s pieces may be arranged in certain shapes to help users’ eyes readily discover key information. For example, if we arrange the material in a triangle shape with the important component on top, people’s eyes will naturally go to the peak.

Decorative Shape GIF
Source: Dribble

Shape psychology is important in typography. There are many different fonts, each with its own influence on visual perception. Some use circular forms as a dominating and appear more feminine and gentle, as opposed to those with straight lines and sharp angles, which appear more formal and occasionally violent. That is why, in order to prevent a conflict between context and visual presentation, it is important to pay attention to what forms are prominent in a chosen typeface.

The human mind is full of mysteries, and it is sometimes difficult to foresee probable replies. However, the study of psychology assists designers in being prepared and understanding how our brain works, at least on a fundamental level. Designers who understand the psychology of forms can build competent logos as well as problem-solving user interfaces for online and mobile products.

Wrapping Up

Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us. To create means to the successful root meaning of the word art is “to fit together” and we all do this every day.

Not all of us are designers but we are all artists. Each time we fit things together we are creating, whether it is to make a loaf of bread or design a beautiful interface, we all are artists, we design our own life🎨.

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