RAIL-BSC Chain Launch and Token Airdrop

2 min readOct 7, 2021


The RAILGUN deployment on Binance Smart Chain is here! Tonight, 7th October 2021 at 23:59 Vancouver time (7am UTC; 3am EDT), the airdrop of governance tokens for the BSC RAILGUN DAO will be transferred to the wallets of those who were staking RAIL tokens during the snapshots.

Please note that for the sake of simplifying listings, these tokens will now be called RAILBSC rather than BRAIL. Future tokens will follow the same pattern — RAILPoly, RAILDot etc.

IMPORTANT: RAILGUN on BSC needs YOUR vote to be deployed, so make sure you stake your RAIL-BSC before the deployment proposal is made!

RAIL-BSC is a governance token, and all major decisions are actuated by the DAO. That includes deployment! Even if you stake afterwards, you CANNOT vote on a proposal made before you staked, so be sure you’re in a position to participate to make this launch a success.

Therefore, there will be a 72-hour window between the airdrop and the proposal to launch the RAILGUN Privacy System on BSC to give users the chance to stake. The process should be familiar from staking to receive the airdrop, but staking RAILBSC can be done through the governance web app — go to railgun.ch and click “Launch Governance” in the top-right corner with your MetaMask set to Binance Smart Chain.

Note: RAIL-BSC is on the BSC blockchain, so please double-check that you know where to find your tokens. Metamask users who have not already done so will need to add the network. From the network drop-down, click “Custom RPC” and enter this information:

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain [or whatever you would like the name to be]

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

Please also note that in order to stake you will need a small amount of BNB to pay the fees for your transaction! The fees on BSC are low but need to be paid.

Here is the RAILBSC token address: 0x3F847b01d4d498a293e3197B186356039eCd737F

Those who do not wish to participate in governance are free to do as they wish with their tokens, and over time trading pairs and liquidity will arrive on exchanges to facilitate trading.

There might not be any immediately apparent way to buy or sell RAILBSC, but trading markets will develop in time. Be aware that the token may not be for sale through DEXes for some time, and OTC prices are likely to be highly variable, so patience and diligent research will likely be needed to discover fair market prices. This is not trading advice.




Framework for ZK Privacy on EVM blockchains. Send transactions and interact with DeFi on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and BSC privately. https://railgun.org