RAILGUN Weekly Update, May 16, 2022 - and Roadmap!

3 min readMay 17, 2022


The RAILGUN Project’s current status: RAILGUN v1.0 is now available and in community-only testing phase, in advance of public release later this month. The RAILGUN Privacy System is active on Ethereum, Polygon and BSC, and testing phase web apps are live on community sites app.railgun.ch and app.railgun.org.

The RAILGUN Project’s current technology roadmap

The full launch is very close now! The RAILGUN v1.0 code has been deployed and entered the community testing phase.

RAILGUN v1.0 is now ready for use for the community-only testing phase on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. Relayers are live and usable across these chains ensuring that your transactions are kept private on the blockchain. This is the first and only dApp with this ability. Optimization ensures that delivering this functionality is kept simple, efficient, and secure — as well as being at reduced gas rates. RAILGUN advisors and core contributors are proud to implement this product and are excited with how passionately the growing DAO and RAILGUN communities have embraced its use. You are invited to use our application at app.railgun.ch and app.railgun.org as part of the community testing phase. Public release of the full RAILGUN V1.0 product will come later his month

Alongside RAILGUN v1.0 code deployment is the release of RAILWAY, live and ready for use at railway.xyz. RAILWAY has been created by a small group of contributors as a fully integrated web wallet usable with RAILGUN across Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. RAILWAY can be used via web at railway.xyz.

RAILGUN’s core contributors have not stopped their hard work, and are actively focusing on DEX trading through Matcha 0x using RAILWAY. Once DEX trading is live, the full RAILGUN v1.0 launch will be considered complete.

The hype and excitement around RAILGUN does not end with the launch. This community has created a strong foundation, allowing contributors to continue to create new features, applications and integration alongside strong and collaborative partnerships.

Development Update

With the RAILGUN v1.0 code deployment, as well as RAILWAY, a gargantuan amount of work went underway with the relayers set up, testing, and the final product deployment on Mainnet. The product was first tested live on Ethereum and Polygon then a delayed release on Binance Smart Chain which required further testing due to particular divergences from Ethereum. Having tested and released across these chains (Polygon and Binance Smart Chain) ensures that further added chains have a created template that will make this process easy and quickly adaptable to other chains in future.

RAILWAY graphical interface and functionality alongside QA testing took place to ensure its successful release.

Alongside RAILGUN v1.0's code deployment, there has also been work done on a governance contract for fee distribution as per the roadmap so that token holders who stake receive a percentage of these transaction fees.
It has been hard work for all contributors, but everybody is devoted to providing the best possible product.

Promotions Update
The new RAILGUN technology roadmap has been released and refined thanks to community feedback.

A new animation will be added to the RAILGUN YouTube channel shortly which discusses RAILGUN, RAIL and governance.

RAILGUN will be represented in major and/or side events at Miami Permissionless, Consensus and more, with many RAILGUN advisers and core contributors attending EthCC, Paris and DeFiCon, NYC. All the core contributors are very eager to meet members of the DAO, those in the crypto community and of course any advocates of privacy!

The RAILGUN project is only just getting started. By holding RAIL and the other governance tokens, you can vote on further implementations and shape how RAILGUN develops. There is exponential potential, and an extraordinary amount of features we can integrate. We are the technology.

RAILGUN will never stop.




Framework for ZK Privacy on EVM blockchains. Send transactions and interact with DeFi on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and BSC privately. https://railgun.org