React and Sass setup. No Webpack. No BS.

Raja Raghav
Programming sage
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2018


Well, create-react-app v2 has out of the box support for SASS. click here to see how you can implement sass and react in create-react-app v2+ project. But for any other reason, continue reading.

TL;DR Go to this Github repository for boilerplate code and follow instructions for getting started in no time.

About a month ago, I started looking for a react-sass setup. After searching for a while, I found a few articles, some mentioning methods using Webpack and some without it. They were pretty complicated and hard to implement because all Webpack solutions required me to ‘eject’ my create-react-app under the hood modules, which completely destroys react’s convention over configuration ideology. I finally decided to give it a shot and prepare a boilerplate everyone can use.

The Solution should:

  • work without ejecting.
  • watch for changes in sass code.
  • work without any code editor plugins.
  • should work parallel to react server.

I came up with a solution which uses node-sass, npm-run-all and a few other libraries which anyone can install using npm install . So here’s how you do it.

Before you start

Here is my project structure (I’m using scss).

Project structure.

And here are my package.json settings.

Package.json settings.

Development setup:

  1. After you’re done with your create react app setup, install following packages using npm. npm install autoprefixer concat node-sass npm-run-all postcss-cli --save-dev
  2. Open package.json and add "watch:sass":"node-sass src/sass/main.scss src/App.css -w" to your "scripts":{...}.This script will compile and watch our files for any changes.
  3. Assuming you have your ‘start’ script in your package.json, add "startr":"npm-run-all — parallel start watch:sass" script to your "scripts":{...} .
  4. That’s all. Now, you can use npm run startr to start react server and node-sass watcher parallel to each other.

The boilerplate is available here:

That’s all folks.

Hope this article helped you.

Happy coding.

