Yesterday I saw this ad on the train ride home. Now it’s been a while since I’ve dated, but I don’t remember many dates where I was tickling her neck while drinking tea. Nor am I sure that’s a dream date for girls.
My sad dating life side, the real issue I see with this ad is that it seems to have nothing to do with how GrubHub can help me dazzle my date. It might have if it was a picture of two people eating some delicious food on a sofa while watching TV. Or maybe in a park eating…
And so ultimately GH failed to get me to take action by ordering dinner through their app. Instead I spent 2 minutes wondering what the design team (or agency) for this ad was thinking and then 5 minutes writing this post.
I’m all for real world imagery in products and ads since they get the audience to envision a scene (aspirational or realistic). But they need to inspire action… will look for an example that does.