Stent vs Bypass- Surgeries for heart blockage

Digant Goel
2 min readDec 22, 2022


Today, heart disease is extremely prevalent. Regardless of the magnitude of the operation, the patient and those in close proximity are shivered to the bone. Although minor surgeries may occur, they should not be approached hastily.

Having heart surgery is terrifying. Regardless of what others may say, it is hazardous and it foreshadows potential future dangers. Significant numbers of cases go undetected and account for substantial global fatalities.

Stenting is a viable treatment option utilized to enlarge the obstructed artery. Stents are initially collapsed cylindrical lattice structures. Following insertion, they undergo expansion within the vessels. The vein undergoes dilation in response to stent expansion, facilitating blood flow through the obstructed segment of the vein. Stents are comparable to the springs found in click pens. The refill is inserted into the pen via the spring. When the refill is distended from one end, expansion occurs in the outer spring. Although accomplished at the micro level, you now have a basic understanding of the concept underlying the process. Stenting is performed when the obstruction reaches 60% to 70%. This is contingent on which expert answers the call.

Stent- Collapsed and expanded (left to right)

On the contrary, bypass is denoted as CABG. The abbreviation CABG stands for coronary artery bypass grafting. In this case, the obstructed artery remains intact while an alternative pathway is established for blood circulation through the capillaries. This alternative route involves obtaining a vein segment from a patient’s limb or arm, for example. Bypass is performed when the occlusion exceeds 70%.

CABG is presently executed in two distinct methods. MICS (Minimal Invasive cardiac surgery) and open heart. Both explanations are available in separate articles. Bypass is performed when the occlusion exceeds 70%.

Bypass- Vein taken from leg

You may read about the two types of bypass surgeries performed -Open heart and key hole surgery (MICS) here -

For precautions after bypass surgery, read here

