FinTech Digest: August 2018

4 min readAug 31, 2018


FinTech is one of the most powerful and quickly evolving industries nowadays, and that is the reasons why we choose it as the main direction of our work. We monitor all industry trends and updates, and we are pleased to share it with you. Big Data in FinTech applications, groundbreaking innovations, the future of passwords and digital format of the economy — the most interesting publications you could miss during the last month of summer, 2018.


Why Python Is The Best Choice for FinTech Products

Modern FinTech software needs to have the highest level of security, functionality, and correspondence with requirements. What will help to offer your client a unique, but trustworthy solution? The detailed explanation on how to achieve all this by using the Python/Django technological stack while developing FinTech products.

How to Implement Big Data Analytics in your FinTech Applications

Why has the FinTech industry exploded in popularity in the last few years? What can it do for your business? More information about improving customer service, predictive data analysis, and reducing of fraud risks.

Five Really Interesting Innovations And Products In Global FinTech

The real innovations, the B2B products, and ideas that are changing business behaviour providing services that are fundamentally awesome and truly groundbreaking.

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

To build the future or to cheat a society: how governments use cryptocurrencies

Banned in India and China, developed on the central bank level in The Bahamas and Malta… How and why governments are using cryptocurrencies nowadays? Which role can digital money play for Iran and Russia in their aspiration to avoid US sanctions?

Blockchain and GDPR Do Not Go Hand-In-Hand

Blockchain and the new Data Protection Directive both aim to allow people more control over their own personal information. But there are much more differences than similarities. What to do when blockchain and GDPR contradict each other? How to make them go hand-in-hand?


Reality Check: Will passwords become extinct in the world of e-commerce?

Emails, social networks, and online shopping… Nowadays we quickly accumulate a wealth of online accounts. And for all of them, we need the passwords. Is it possible to replace them by hardware tokens or biometric features? What is behind the process and what potential does the technology have?

Digital Format of Economy — Prospects for Development

Evolutionary processes in high technologies as a digitalization of information influenced the global financial system. What does it mean and how does digitalization of real assets promote economic development? Are there some ways of applying the blockchain technologies in the segment of the real economy?


The Future Of Banking: FinTech Or TechFin?

Jim Marous, the former adviser on banking policy of the Obama administration and an internationally recognized financial industry influencer, talks about the future of banking. What are the main trends in FinTech? What is the TehFin and what it can do for the tech giants?

Expert Opinion: Joel Perlman from OakNorth on the Future of Financial Innovation

Joel Perlman is the Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of OakNorth, the first digital-focused challenger bank in the UK with an annual profit of £10.6m. He shares his ideas on the future of the financial industry and who will win the race for innovation.

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