Nonprofits kick off #GivingTuesday campaigns early

2 min readNov 21, 2017


This week we’ve noticed that a number of our clients have launched their #GivingTuesday campaigns this year at least a week before the big day on November 28. While most nonprofits will see the vast majority of their giving happen on GivingTuesday itself, getting donation pages up as early as possible offers a number of advantages, including fine tuning of content leading up to GivingTuesday, as well as creating early buzz and anticipation among supporters.

Here are a few of our clients that have gotten the jump on other charities by firing up a Rallybound standalone donation page for GivingTuesday:

Partnership for Drug Free Kids

This great nonprofit has set a goal of $10,000 and has already begun receiving donations.

Outward Bound School

The Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School has set a goal of $27,000 for GivingTuesday to help support its mission.


YAI has set up a great campaign where the suggested donations are directly linked to benefits for kids at its camp.

PAWS Chicago

Finally, we’ll leave you with this adorable campaign from PAWS Chicago.

Originally published at Rallybound Blog.

