Do you think Candidates should pick content for debates?

2 min readNov 5, 2015


“The Republican effort to stage a united front on debate reforms began to crumble Monday night as several campaigns announced that they would not sign a Letter of Demands to debate media sponsors.”

Over the last few days, candidates got together and wrote out a letter of demand, on what would be required for them to return to another debate on the major news networks. Do you think the Candidates should be making demands on the questions that should be asked? How can we understand what the position is of a candidate, if the questions have already been provided or fall within a structure meant to ease accountability, take a look at the link below, what is your opinion? Should candidates control the content that is asked?

Rally Newz provides real time information on candidates, we believe that enough is enough of candidates spouting propaganda for ratings, we provide real time information on candidates, so if you are watching a debate and things sound too good to be true, look it up! Navigate Politics the Rally Newz way!




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