Progressive organizations are speaking out — and they’re endorsing Ralph for governor

Ralph Northam
5 min readMay 23, 2017


In three weeks, Virginia Democrats will head to the polls to vote for their candidate for governor. The choice they make will mean a whole lot for Virginia families — and that’s why we’re proud that Ralph has the support of progressive organizations across the commonwealth and the country. Here’s the complete list of organizations that have endorsed Ralph.

1. VoteVets

“Ralph Northam served this nation with honor and integrity, in the Army. He could have gone on to just live a private life, made money, and retired, and no one would have question it, but he didn’t — he chose to keep serving Virginia, in the Senate of Virginia, as the Commonwealth’s Lieutenant Governor, and as a volunteer for children. His smarts, dedication, and character cannot be questioned.” — Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and chairman of

2. NARAL Pro-Choice America

“Ralph has proven he’ll take on the tough battles and stand up to those who threaten our basic rights, including access to abortion and basic reproductive health care. Ralph Northam is a champion for our reproductive freedom which is why NARAL is proud to stand with him as we fight for women and families across Virginia.” — China Dickerson, deputy political director of NARAL Pro-Choice America

3. NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia

“He is unwavering in his commitment to protect and advance reproductive rights and has and will never shy away from a tough fight. We know he has our back. It has been an honor to work with Ralph Northam through the years, and we are thrilled to throw our full support behind him to be the next governor of Virginia.” —Tarina Keene, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia

4. Virginia Education Association

“Ralph understands the foundational role public education plays in the future of our state. He’s the best candidate for our students, schools and educators, and he has an excellent track record of working to meet their needs. We took a good look at the candidates but Ralph is clearly the best qualified to be our next governor.” — VEA President Jim Livingston

5. LiUNA! Mid-Atlantic

“He’ll promote and defend the economic development and workers’ rights our state needs. He’s prove that he’s on the side of working people, including LiUNA members, who do the hard work of building our state every day.” — Dave Allison, Virginia resident and business manager of the Baltimore-Washington Laborers’ District Council

6. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

“The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence enthusiastically endorses Ralph Northam for Governor of Virginia. … As a doctor, Northam has seen the dangerous effects of guns up close, and as an elected official he has used his position to fight for stronger gun laws. He has a proven record of standing up and speaking out on this vital issue while others have stayed silent. His support for gun violence prevention has never been a political talking point, because Ralph Northam views the issue as a moral obligation to his constituents. We are proud to support his campaign.”

7. Pride Fund

“Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam has been a consistent and strong advocate for commonsense gun safety laws and LGBTQ equality. He supported marriage equality long before it became the politically correct thing to do, and he stood up to the NRA when it mattered most. Virginians deserve a Governor like Ralph Northam who will stand up for what’s right and keep all Virginians safe.”
— Jason Lindsay, executive director of Pride Fund to End Gun Violence

8. Equality Virginia PAC

“EV PAC endorses Northam for his shared vision for a Virginia that is free of discrimination. Year after year, Northam has shown a steadfast commitment to Virginia’s gay and transgender community; from his election to the state Senate in 2007, where he earned a perfect legislative record on key LGBT issues, to his 2015 tie-breaking vote as Lt. Gov. to pass employment protections that included sexual orientation and gender identity.” —James Parrish, executive director of Equality Virginia

9. The National Organization for Women

“He has been with women all along. Virginia is a key state. It is a particularly important state for women’s rights, and we think that Ralph Northam is the person who will advance all of our rights.” —National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill

10. Virginia chapter of the National Organization for Women

“Virginia NOW proudly endorses Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam. Virginia NOW feels the most important quality for us is honesty, and Ralph has demonstrated his honesty every time we have asked him to work for or sponsor a bill.” —Virginia National Organization for Women President Diana Egozcue

11. Feminist Majority PAC

“We proudly endorse Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam for governor. He has been a champion for women’s rights, especially reproductive rights. … We know that he is willing to lead and does take the lead and has a record in Virginia of fighting for women’s rights.” —Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal

12. Newton Action Alliance

“The Newtown Action Alliance wholeheartedly endorses Ralph Northam for Governor of Virginia. Lieutenant Governor Northam is a staunch advocate for the gun violence prevention movement. As a state senator, Northam stood with the Virginia Tech survivors to courageously support common sense gun safety laws in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and his commitment to gun violence prevention and the Virginia Tech families has not wavered.”

13. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

“In Ralph Northam, Virginians will find a leader who is committed to their safety and their rights. And he’s got the legislative record to back it up, voting and fighting for expanded Brady background checks as a senator.” —Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign



Ralph Northam

Virginia’s lieutenant governor. Husband, father, doctor, and veteran, and candidate for governor.