Seven Powerful Beliefs to build Self- Esteem.

Ramigan Is Rad
2 min readJul 12, 2023


Photo by Elti Meshau on Unsplash

We often hold ourselves back due to self-doubt and fear of failure. The lack of self-confidence can keep us from pursuing our goals and hinder personal growth. But what if we could change our mindset and believe in ourselves, no matter the circumstances? In this article, we will explore the power of self-confidence and how adopting empowering beliefs can transform our lives. By choosing to believe in our worth and capabilities, we can overcome self-doubt and embrace a journey of self-confidence.

Understanding the Difference: Confidence vs. Self-Confidence: Confidence stems from past experiences and achievements, while self-confidence reflects a sense of security and belief in oneself. Building self-confidence allows us to pursue our goals, face challenges, and navigate social situations with resilience and authenticity.

Building Self-Confidence: The Power of Belief: One crucial lesson I learned on my journey towards self-confidence is that we have the choice to believe or disregard our thoughts. By consciously selecting and practicing empowering thoughts, we can cultivate beliefs that foster self-confidence. Challenging deeply ingrained beliefs may be necessary to adopt new ones that serve our growth. Recognizing the root of negative beliefs enables us to let go and embrace empowering narratives about ourselves.

Seven Empowering Beliefs for Self-Confidence:

  1. I am whole, worthy, and complete, just as I am today.
  2. I can handle whatever comes up.
  3. Not everyone will like me, and that’s okay.
  4. I choose to love myself, no matter what.
  5. I am worth the hard work it takes to achieve my goals.
  6. I get to decide what failure means about me.
  7. This circumstance won’t matter in a year.

Life Transformation through Empowering Beliefs: When these thoughts become beliefs, our relationship with ourselves undergoes a profound shift. Self-imposed limitations fade away, and we become willing to step outside our comfort zone, embrace new experiences, and persevere through challenges. Self-confidence enables us to overcome shyness, reduce self-criticism, and continue pursuing our goals relentlessly.

Putting Empowering Beliefs into Action: To reinforce these beliefs, it’s important to align our actions with our newfound self-confidence. Actions, in turn, influence thoughts and feelings, creating a positive feedback loop. Taking actions that support our beliefs helps solidify our self-confidence. For example, deliberately stepping outside our comfort zone provides opportunities for personal growth and showcases our ability to handle challenging situations.

Start by choosing one empowering belief to focus on and practice each day. Whether adopting existing thoughts or creating your own, remember that self-confidence is a gift you give yourself. Watch as self-confidence propels you toward a life filled with growth, resilience, and success.

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Ramigan Is Rad

〔Hard-worker〕, Crisp and Clear Self-Improvement and Health care blogs. Spreading inspiration through stories!