Become a Better Person in One Month. (Part:1)

5 min readDec 12, 2022



Photo by Khamkhor on Unsplash

Warning: It is not an entertaining article. If you want to change your perspective on your life, then keep reading.

If you decide you will be poor, there’s nothing I can do; you’re going to be poor. If you decide to be rich, who will stop you, who!. All you got do is start working today; why not? Who going to stop you? Unless you tell it to the wrong person. My friend, there is no shortcut to becoming a better person, the richest, or the fittest person; but on the way, you need dedication, consistency, hard work, tears, and focus. I break down my formula into a series of articles. To understand, read all articles.

Build Stage: In that chapter, I want to teach you three things

  • Change your Mindset
  • Keep Motivating Yourself
  • Make a habit of consistency

Change your Mindset: The first thing is to change your mentality — everything control from there. If you control your mind, it’s perfect, but If your mind controls you, that’s the problem. If a lion is the king of a jungle, how can he be the king? He is big, smart, and the fastest. No, he is not the biggest, fastest and smartest. So how does a lion become the king of a jungle? His mentality makes him the king of the jungle. When a lion sees the elephant, he thinks of lunch while the elephant thinks of running. It’s all about mentality. It’s all about how you use it. By birth, everyone has a lion mentality.

You and I win a race against 4 million kids in mother Tommy. We don’t have support, a couch to train, and enough experience during the race, but we win; why? Because what is in our mind is to reach the other end. We need this mentality again. But for that, we have to reconstruct ourselves. We need to change the way we think. What is in us? We don’t know until we start trying hard. To be a better person, you start to work on yourself. Remind yourself that I want to be someone I’m proud of. For me, I don’t know if you are beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, intelligent or dull, but what I know is if you start thinking today about solutions, not about problems, you will become a better person. I don’t know how much time it takes, but it works. Everybody starts from zero.

Practice to change your Mindset:

Remove all the negativity from your life; if it is in the shape of negative words, thoughts, or friends, remove all of them.

  • Chase your fear, think about what you hate the most, and do it constantly until your hate disappears.
  • Stop sharing: People don’t care about your life; they are starting to interfere because you give them a solid reason. So when you stop sharing, nobody has anything to comment on.
Photo by Kirill Tonkikh on Unsplash

Motivation: In simple terms, It acts as fuel in your life; you must fill it when it starts to empty. Every successful person puts dedication, hard work, and sacrifices to achieve their status. Nobody gets it by birth; It is based on decisions, our daily base decisions, whether we want to be successful or not. Every morning you can choose to get up at 4am or hit the snooze button. I know hitting a snooze button is easy but is it beneficial for the long term? The answer is No.

Let me give you another example: assume you have only 6 months to live. Now answer yourself, Are you satisfied with your life? Do you want to live this kind of life? If your answer is yes, then congratulations. But if your answer is the opposite, change your way of living. Nobody came to change your life, nobody came to rescue you, and nobody has any kind of interest in you. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that motivates you. Then do it daily to keep yourself motivated.

Practice to keep yourself Motivated:

  • Start: Just start now. Don’t overthink anything.
  • Positivity: Create a positive approach to everything.
  • Future: Imagine your future. You must try to get your maximum potential.

Consistency: It is the mother of success. There is no magic pill. The magic is consistency. With consistency, you will know Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela and George Washington. They are all persistent, hardworking and believers. This quality makes him stand out from the crowd. Life is like a marathon race; you have to run. If that is impossible, walk; if that is also impossible, crawl. You must keep moving forward in all situations or be prepared to fail. Success doesn’t come from talent; nobody cares about your talent until you have consistency. Skill only matters with consistency. If you go to the gym today, come back, and see yourself in a mirror, nothing is changed; the next day, again, workout and see no result. It means it’s a waste of energy and time, so you quit. Or if you have to believe in consistency and in the process that this is the right course and commit yourself for a time, you will start getting into shape. It is not about intensity, it’s not about hard work, It’s about consistency.

Everybody is good for a shorter period of time, but what makes you stand out is being consistent for a longer period. I know it’s not easy. If it was, then 98% of people would not fail.

Practice to stay Consistent:

  • Reward and punish yourself.
  • Remind yourself always why you started.
  • Break down your goal into small milestones.

To Be Continued…(Next Article)

Hi, I’m Ramiz. I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, consider buying me a coffee. The caffeine helps with the writing and the fathering.😜😜

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