2023: A Hilarious Strange Ride I Didn’t Sign Up For!

Ramya Rao
3 min readDec 31, 2023


A Year that came with no instruction manual.

Picture credits: Pexels-daria-obymaha

Hey there, my dear friends on medium!
As I sit down to reflect on the confused journey that was in 2023, I can’t help but feel like I’ve been on a roller coaster I didn’t buy a ticket for. Because this was actually a wild ride through the ups, downs, and loop-de-loops, a mix of emotions, in the past twelve months.

Let me be honest: 2023 and I didn’t exactly hit it off like long-lost friends at a reunion. From the get-go, it felt like the year had a mischievous twinkle in its eye, as if it had a secret plan to keep me on my toes. lol.

January started innocently enough, with the usual resolutions like promises to eat quality food by cutting off junk, shed extra pounds, sleep early, wakeup by 5 a.m. everyday — (heard stories of successful or rich people don’t sleep after 4am, motivated me to at least wakeup by 5am), not think too much on unnecessary matters and some of the resolutions I even forgot now. lol.

And all of the resolutions just lasted for a month maybe.

Shucks, Little did I know that the months ahead would be a chaotic mix of unpredicted events, unexpected twists, and the occasional existential crisis thrown in for good measure.

Remember that time in April when my pet Simba the beagle ran for mayor of our city? Yeah, even I don’t remember, because that didn’t happen and I never had a pet. lol, But honestly, with the way 2023 was going, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had.

I thought all was going well after ‘May’, but on a more serious note, the emotional roller coaster hit its peak when I discovered that my favorite pizza place had closed down. I mean, who does that? Who takes away a person’s comfort food place? That’s not fair!

Jokes apart, well, some of the problems has solutions, like pizza which has a solution; I can order it online. But what about unending stress, issues, dramas and hardships when life throws curveballs?! Unfortunately 2023 was not my cup of tea.

Ok I don’t want to dwell on the past; especially on this last day of the year. After all, the beauty of life is its unpredictability, and that’s how God created life. We can’t decide whether 2024 will surely be good; all we can do is just look forward and go with the flow.

As I bid adieu to 2023, I find myself standing at the crossroads of nostalgia, expectations and many questions.

As the clock ticks down to midnight on New Year’s Eve, I can’t help but feel a sense of hope and excitement for what 2024 might have in store. Maybe it’s the promise of a fresh start or manifestation of something.

As we kickstart into new chapter of 366 days, raising a virtual toast for the awaiting life filled with adventures and lessons to be learned I'm waiting to see what God has in store.

Hence, I wish you all, my medium friends an awesome new year with whatever you dreamt of.

What are you all doing for the new year? Tell me in the comments section; I would really like to hear.

My plans for every new year are the same and constant, and no one on earth can ever change my plan. You all might feel what on earth could it be. Right??

Well my biggest plan for every December 31st night is “spending time with God”.
You may wonder, duh, what’s so great about this plan.
Being a Christian and god-fearing. For me, it’s like surrendering to him on this special day. Its more like starting again with god’s blessings.

[P.S: More claps = More happiness]



Ramya Rao

Do you know? Coffee brews words. Welcome to my universe of words. But first, Coffee.