Here’s how I made my 100 followers in just writing ‘10Posts’

Ramya Rao
2 min readJan 13, 2024


Hi Medium Friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share a little milestone on my writing journey — reaching 100 followers!

Now, I know what you’re thinking — 100 followers might seem like a small achievement, but as any seasoned writer will tell you, it’s not just about the number. It’s about the journey, the consistency, and the connection you build with your audience.

Picture credits- ketut subiyanto

Consistency is power
In the vast sea of content on Medium, consistency acts as the North Star, guiding you through the path of uncertainty. It’s not just about churning out article after article; it’s about showing up regularly, sharing your thoughts, and creating a rhythm that your readers can love to listen.

“Consistency produce familiarity, and familiarity produce trust.”

My Lessons Learned from the first milestone:

Find Your Rhythm: Establishing a consistent writing schedule is key. Whether it’s once a week or twice a month, find a rhythm that suits your lifestyle.

Quality Over Quantity: While consistency is crucial, it doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. Each piece should be crafted with love, offering value to your readers. Remember, it’s not a race — take the time to refine your craft.

Engage and Connect: Building a community is about more than just shouting into the void. Respond to comments, engage with other writers, and be a part of the larger Medium ecosystem. It’s a two-way street, and the more you invest in others, the more you’ll receive in return.

And the Journey Continues:

So, here I am, standing at the intersection of 100 followers, proud of the consistency that brought me here. But let me tell you, this is just the beginning. The journey continues, the waves keep rolling, and there are countless stories yet to be written.

To my first 100 followers — thank you for being a part of this journey.

To those just starting — embrace the waves, stay consistent, and most importantly, enjoy the process. The best stories are the ones we live and share, and Medium is the canvas where we paint our narrative.

Here’s to the next 100, and the hundred after that and many more 100's…

Let’s keep writing, keep growing, and keep connecting.

[More claps = More happiness]



Ramya Rao

Do you know? Coffee brews words. Welcome to my universe of words. But first, Coffee.