How to Stay Positive in a Negative World: Understanding the negativity bias and how to deal with it.

Imran Hossain
3 min readDec 1, 2023


In today’s information-saturated age, we are constantly bombarded with headlines, notifications, and updates. While this abundance of information offers unparalleled access to knowledge and connection, it also presents an insidious challenge: the negativity bias. This inherent human tendency to focus disproportionately on negative information can distort our perception of reality and hinder our ability to recognize the good in the world.

Understanding the Negativity Bias

Negativity bias is simply the human tendency to pay more attention to negative information than positive information.The negativity bias is deeply rooted in our evolutionary past. In a world filled with danger, focusing on threats and prioritising negative stimuli enhanced our survival chances. However, in our modern context, this instinct can become a misleading lens through which we interpret the world. Media driven by the pursuit of clicks and engagement, often exploit this bias by amplifying negative narratives and sensationalising events.They keep broadcasting more and more negative news and we get filled with more and more negativity. As a result weend up thinking that the world is getting worse even though it’s not.

The Detrimental Consequences of Negativity Bias

Chronic exposure to negativity can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It can fuel anxiety, pessimism, and feelings of helplessness, hindering our ability to see opportunities and make positive changes. It can also distort our perception of the world, leading us to believe that things are getting worse even when evidence contradicts this view.

Breaking Free from the Cycle

While the negativity bias is a powerful force, it doesn’t have to control us. By employing effective strategies and consciously cultivating a more balanced perspective, we can navigate the information overload and embrace a more hopeful outlook.

Deconstruct Information Overload

The sheer volume of information available online can be overwhelming. It is crucial to remember that increased information availability does not necessarily equate to an increase in suffering. While negative events may be more readily reported, so too are positive developments. Recognizing this dynamic prevents us from misinterpreting information overload as a reflection of a deteriorating world.

Embrace Incremental Progress

Positive change rarely happens overnight. It often unfolds in small, gradual steps that can easily go unnoticed. Cultivating a mindful awareness of these incremental advancements is crucial for fostering a more optimistic outlook. For instance, the steady decline in global poverty, despite the challenges we continue to face, highlights the importance of recognizing gradual progress.

Seek Out the Unseen Positives

Countless acts of kindness, scientific breakthroughs, and community initiatives occur daily, yet they often remain hidden from the mainstream narrative. Actively seeking out positive stories through diverse news sources, podcasts, or simply engaging in conversations with others allows us to expand our perspective and counterbalance the negativity bias.

Avoid Nostalgic Distortion

Our memories tend to romanticise the past, overlooking its challenges and complexities. This can lead us to believe that the “good old days” were somehow better and that the present is inferior. To combat this nostalgia trap, we must objectively compare historical data with the present, acknowledging both the advancements and the remaining challenges. This allows us to gain a more nuanced understanding of societal progress and appreciate the present moment.

Expect and Challenge Negativity

Recognizing that negativity bias influences media selection allows us to approach information with a critical lens. We can actively seek out diverse perspectives, factual information, and alternative narratives. This fosters a more informed and critical thinking approach to the information we encounter.


By adopting a more analytical and mindful approach to information consumption and actively seeking out positive stories and perspectives, we can cultivate a more balanced and optimistic outlook on the world. This empowers us to navigate the complexities of the information age with resilience and hope. Remember, millions of people around the world are actively working to create a better future. Let’s choose to be the change we want to see in the world, one positive thought and action at a time. Together, we can illuminate the path towards a brighter future and challenge the negativity bias that often obscures the good in the world.



Imran Hossain

I am a freelance writer who loves to dig down things and share with others.