Random Earth NFT marketplace: Launching October 2nd

3 min readSep 28, 2021


Two weeks ago, we announced what we’re building and were totally blown away by the response. We’ve launched startups before, but we’ve never encountered a community response like this one. We want to start by thanking all of you for taking an interest in our project — with a special shoutout to the people in the community who have been helping us build.

What’s in the Pipeline

In our previous announcement, we spoke of grand ambitions. Today, we want to talk about recent milestones and near-term goals.

  • First, the decentralized exchange we mentioned in our last article has already been built. It’s undergoing security audit as we speak.
  • Second, we’ve retained two law firms, and are currently going through company formation.
  • Third, we’ve begun partnership discussions with real world brands, and started closing deals. (We’ll share more soon.)

And most importantly, we’re excited to share that we’re launching the first version of our product in just a few days.

Rebrand from Stardust to RandomEarth

While our DEX can power trading for a variety of assets, in the foreseeable future, we really want to focus on developing and growing a specific application: our NFT marketplace.

We’ve been thinking a lot about identity in the past two weeks, and we want to build a brand that endures.

In particular, when brainstorming names, we were inspired by Random House, the book publisher:

Random House is a wonderfully cheeky moniker for the world’s biggest book outfit … It got its random name as a joke: In 1927, co-founders Bennett Cerf and Donald S. Klopfer decided to publish a few books outside the catalog they’d acquired 2 years before. Seeing no pattern to their interests, they renamed their publishing house in that spirit: “Random House.”

We identify with this ethos. In the same spirit, we’re renaming our NFT marketplace from Stardust to RandomEarth.

We think RandomEarth better conveys an international community of creatives. A place where art is not only sold, but also created on-platform by the community.

We also don’t want to take things so seriously, and want to embrace this idea of taking creative risks.

So, we start with our name.

Col-5 Launch with Galactic Punks

To cut to the chase, we are launching shortly after the Columbus-5 upgrade to Terra on Saturday, October 2nd.

For launch, we’re working closely with the Galactic Punks team on their genesis mint.

We will support out of the gate:

  • Buying, selling, and auctioning NFTs
  • Un-collateralized bidding on NFTs
  • Viewing your NFTs / browsing and searching through all NFTs and collections on Terra
  • Setting and collecting royalties on your NFT collections

In the coming days, we will also release tools to help Creators mint and distribute NFT art on Columbus-5.

Want to launch NFTs?

If you’re a Creator or a Brand interested in launching NFT art, please reach out at hello@randomearth.io, and we can help with your NFT mint and distribution.

To speed things along, fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/mCWHz8HRrdu3LoKH9

Learn More

Got ideas? Want to help? We would love to hear from you:

