The point of teenage relationships.

Randomly Kawtar
Of Human Bondage.
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2016

I’m gonna keep this short.
Don’t get into a relationship just for the sake of getting into one or because everyone has a bf/gf.

Never get in a relationship for the wrong reasons.

And now that I’m about to leave teenagehood, I can tell you that during those years, all the excuses and reasons that urge you to get in a relationship are wrong.

Teenagehood should be devoted to setting up your life values, filtering your beliefs, building deep friendships, learning and growing your skillset of passions and knowledge.

The process of building these things is an enough messy and emotionally unstable journey to be in for you to get involved in yet another demanding engagement that is usually based on illusions of love and hopeless promises and using up your partner to fix and mend your own scars.

And those are all wrong reasons to get in a relationship.

I’m almost 20 years old -scary as it sounds :p- and I’ve never been in a relationship and am not willing to get into one besides marriage.

And I won’t lie, loneliness and the feeling of being lost has urged me several times to get into a relationship, but I’m so thankful my religious beliefs have kept me from doing so because I can now see clearer on how unhealthy and unstable (and even toxic) a teenage relationship can be.

