While Travelling, for God’s sake don’t bring your pillow with you!!

Randomly Kawtar
2 min readSep 19, 2016


It’s such a calamity of mind to try and replicate your house’s comfort while travelling.

What’s the point of travelling if you aren’t willing to embrace foreigness and surprises?

While I was packing I found this chorus playing on repeat in my head: “Just in case, just in case” it said as I added more and more things to my suit.

I hate that.

Travelling is all about trying to find the feeling of being home away from your house by sleeping on a different pillow, drinking your coffe in a different mug or quitting coffe altogether and drinking something you’ve never tried before.

Embracing foreigness.

Keeping your eyes wide open and your mind wide awake to be surprised and to appease a gradually born curiosty about the place you went to.

Turning your wandering mode on.

Keeping your guards down and being ready to be awed by buildings different than your city’s, by burnt forests, by weird food, by mind blowing customs of the people…

So for God’s sake don’t bring your pillow with you and forget the just in case.

In case you’re in a crisis, that’s your opportunity to train your mind to find a creative way out of it.

That is an activity you can’t afford to practice regulary back home because you are usually busy practicing other things and so you need more comfort at home.

Travel light, stay curios and come back heavy with a new way to approach your life and a magic portion to turn your once lethal routine into a factory of creativity, ambition and inspiration.

