7 signs you may have a Thyroid problem

Randox Health
4 min readJan 2, 2017

You’ve probably heard the word thyroid a number of times if you have ever been to your GP for a check-up, or perhaps even had your thyroid function checked — but do you actually know how important the thyroid is, and the problems it can cause if it isn’t functioning properly?

The thyroid is a vitally important butterfly-shaped hormonal gland located in the neck that plays a major role in the metabolism, growth and maturation of your body. When your thyroid doesn’t function, it can affect every aspect of your health — in particular, weight, depression and energy levels.

Undiagnosed thyroid problems can severely increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, and hair loss to name but a few. That’s why it’s important to recognise the signs and symptoms.

Here are 7 of the most common:

1. Feeling depressed or anxiety

Thyroid disorders can have a significant impact on your attitude and temperament. Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) tends to make people feel depressed. This is due to the fact that a lack of thyroid hormones decreases the “happiness” hormone, serotonin, in the brain. Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) is more commonly associated with anxiety, panic attacks, and bipolar disease.

2. Fatigue

Hyperthyroidism increases your metabolism, which gives many individuals a lot of energy initially. However, as the hyperthyroidism continues, the body tends to break down and a result of this is tiredness. If you are feeling exhausted when you wake up, feeling as if 8 or 10 hours of sleep a night is insufficient or being unable to function all day without a nap, you may have a thyroid issue.

3. Muscle cramps or weakness and joint aches

Pain is a common but often overlooked symptom of thyroid problems. People with hypothyroidism may experience aches and pains in muscles and joints, especially the arms and legs. If you feel pain in these areas for no obvious reason, your thyroid gland may not be producing enough hormones. Over time, a lack of hormones can damage the nerves that send signals from the brain throughout the entire body.

4. Unexplained weight change

One of the most common signs of a thyroid not working is gained weight, and a real difficulty in losing this weight. This may be caused by an underactive thyroid which has significantly slowed down your metabolism. On the other hand, losing weight extremely fast can be symptomatic of an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

5. Hair and skin changes

Hair and skin are particularly vulnerable to thyroid conditions. With hypothyroidism hair typically becomes brittle, dry and in many cases falls out. Skin can become thick, dry, and scaly. In addition, there is also an unusual but very specific symptom: the loss of hair in the outer edge of the eyebrow. An unusual rash can appear on the skin of the shins, known as pretibial myxedema or thyroid dermopathy.

6. Neck discomfort

A feeling of swelling in the neck, difficulty swallowing, or a hoarse, raspy voice can all be signs of thyroid disease. When the thyroid becomes enlarged, this is known as “goiter,” and can be a sign of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Low thyroid causes the body to retain water which means that hands, feet and legs can also swell.

7. Bowel problems

Bowel problems including constipation and diarrhoea can be signs that you have a thyroid problem — a slow thyroid gland means that food doesn’t metabolise as fast. Severe or long-term constipation, and constipation that does not respond to treatments and remedies, can be associated with hypothyroidism. Diarrhoea, loose stools, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are commonly linked with hyperthyroidism.

It may be that you are suffering with some of these symptoms in your day-to-day life, and until now, wouldn’t have put them down to thyroid problems. However, at Randox Health we know that quite often, commonly occurring health problems can be caused by something going on elsewhere in the body — and so it could be your thyroid. This is why we believe in the importance of whole body analysis, rather than focusing on testing one area in isolation.

If your thyroid is causing your depression, fatigue, muscle and joint problems, weight change, hair and skin change, neck discomfort or bowel problems, then you need to know — so that you can take the necessary steps to put everything right. Following your health check results from Randox Health, you will meet with a doctor to discuss your personal health plan, to keep your body working as it should.

Contact the Randox Health team today to ensure your thyroid is in good health:

Tel: 0800 2545 130




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