RankerDAO Ambassador Program

5 min readJun 26, 2023


Update: The Ambassador program is now closed. Thank you for all those who participated!

To kick things up a notch in the RankerDAO Ambassador program, we are streamlining the process to make things simpler and easier for you!

So let’s recap…

What is the RankerDAO Ambassador Program?

The RankerDAO Ambassador Program is an exciting opportunity for community members of the Web3 space and gaming enthusiasts to become advocates of RankerDAO. As an ambassador, you can represent RankerDAO in your local community and provide thoughtful opinions within the Web3 space.

By creating content under the RankerDAO name, not only will you be able to connect with fellow KOLs and thought leaders in the community, you will also be rewarded with RankerDAO NFTs and Tokens.

To sum it up…

Be creative, Create content, and Get rewarded!

How to take part in the RankerDAO Ambassador Program

There are only 4 easy steps!

Step 1: Sign up at https://forms.gle/L7Fyw78vKZkCPrGK9

Step 2: Join our RankerDAO Ambassador Telegram group: (TG Group is now closed)

  • Here you can chat with our community managers and fellow potential ambassadors

Step 3: Start creating content about or for RankerDAO*

Step 4: Submit your published content here: https://forms.gle/yCqcdCUHx8GQKGLG7

  • You can submit multiple times! Just be sure to submit your content using the same name and email address when filling out the form

What are the rewards?

Of course, we wouldn’t be asking you to create content without some rewards. Here is the list of rewards that you can get based on your contributions to the program.

Tier 1: Initiate


  • Join our ambassador telegram group and discord

Tier 2: Supporter


  • Published and submitted content for RankerDAO consistently, at least 1 piece of content per week for 1 month
    - Your content has been verified by our team members (Please refer to the submission form to get your content verified)
  • You will maintain this tier for 3 months as long as you keep publishing content


  • RankerDAO Supporter Role on Discord
    - Direct access to RankerDAO’s core team members for discussion
    - Latest news and updates from RankerDAO
    - Access to announcements ahead of time (Whenever possible)
    - Expand your network and meet other KOL’s and figures in the Web3 Community
  • RankerDAO Gaming Badge NFT
  • 30$ USD Worth of $RANKER Tokens per month

Tier 3: Ambassador


  • Published and submitted impactful content for RankerDAO consistently, at least 2 pieces of content per week for 1 month
    - Your content has been verified by our team members (Please refer to the submission form to get your content verified)

Here are several metrics we consider for a piece of content to be impactful

  • At least 500 Likes on Twitter / Instagram / Facebook
  • 1000 views on Youtube
  • 100 Claps / Responses on Medium
  • 50–100 consistent Concurrent viewers for live streams (Youtube / Twitch / FB / Kick)

You will maintain this tier for 3 months as long as you keep publishing content


  • RankerDAO Ambassador Role on Discord
    - Direct access to RankerDAO’s core team members for discussion
    - Latest news and updates from RankerDAO
    - Access to announcements ahead of time (Whenever possible)
    - Expand your network and meet other KOL’s and figures in the Web3 Community
  • RankerDAO Gaming Badge NFT, RankerDAO Silver IGO Badge NFT
  • 60$ USD worth $RANKER Tokens per month

Tier 4: RankerDAO Core member

The last tier are ambassadors who are handpicked by our team for performing amazingly well and produce creative content.


  • Create amazing content for or about RankerDAO
  • Stand out with your uniqueness among other Ambassadors
  • Be a figurehead in the community and champion the RankerDAO Brand


  • Full-time employment at RankerDAO
  • Open to discussion

Our team will review each content submission, Ambassadors who are able to consistently publish impactful & meaningful content will be advanced to the next tier.

What kind of content?

We would like to see these types of content from our potential ambassadors, but this does not mean you are limited to only these! We highly encourage you to be creative in your endeavors.


At least 500 words long.

Well-researched and engaging.


At least 15 seconds long.

Visually appealing and informative.

Twitter Threads:

Minimum 3 tweets.

Concise and engaging.


High-quality and visually appealing.

Clear and concise information.

Easy to read and organized.


Original and funny.

Relevant to RankerDAO’s brand.

Shareable on social media with hashtags.

Of course, each content you publish will only be considered as part of the RankerDAO Ambassador Program if the topic of said content is talking about RankerDAO or you are championing the RankerDAO brand with a clear call-to-action for people to join our community. After all, as a community brand champion, we would need your help to gather people under the RankerDAO flag!

If you need RankerDAO logos and assets, you can find them here!

What should you talk about?

As an ambassador for RankerDAO, you should create content around the RankerDAO brand or industry. You could be creating content about RankerDAO, or creating content for RankerDAO.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Latest news in RankerDAO activities
  • Partnerships, events, etc
  • Gaming sessions or video content about RankerDAO’s partnered games
  • Examples: Take part and stream Mighty Action Heroes community nights, Create video content about Apeiron’s battle demo, etc
  • Check out our Twitter for the latest info on our partners
  • Talk about the latest news in Web3 gaming or Crypto and how it might affect Rankers
  • Memes about Web3, featuring RankerDAO
  • Many many more ideas, it’s ultimately up to you to be creative!

Additional Guidelines

Should you raise the RankerDAO flag with your name, we request that you follow a few simple rules to make sure that we might able to grow our community to become a positive one together.

  • Be knowledgeable about RankerDAO, Web3, and gaming.
  • Respect confidentiality.
  • Do not engage in spamming or unethical practices.
  • Provide constructive feedback if you have them.
  • Represent RankerDAO in a positive manner.
  • Be kind.

Is it worth it?

The Web3 space is fresh and new, it would be a great experience for young and upcoming content creators, or even veterans, to take part in such a program. You would be able to interact directly with other creators, chat with RankerDAO members, and expand your network within the industry.

Don’t hesitate, start creating. We hope to see you soon!

About RankerDAO

RankerDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that enables the collective community of crypto adopters to gain access to the biggest trend of blockchain-based activities from various verticals.

Get Connected

Website: https://www.RankerDAO.com
Medium: https://www.medium.com/@RankerDAO
Discord: https://discord.gg/RankerDAO
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RankerDAO
Telegram: https://t.me/RankerDAO

