The Father of Persian Rap: Sandy, Hichkas, or Shayan?

Unraveling the Legacy of Iranian Hip-Hop Pioneers

Kamran OG 4 Life
4 min readApr 8, 2024


In the dynamic realm of Persian rap, three towering figures emerge: Sandy, Hichkas, and Shayan. As we embark on an exploration of Iranian hip-hop history, it becomes imperative to discern the true progenitor of the genre. While all three artists have left an indelible mark on the musical landscape, a closer examination reveals a nuanced narrative that underscores Shayan’s unparalleled contributions to the evolution of Persian rap.

Image showing Hichkas, Sandy, and Shayan. In the ongoing debate over the father of Persian rap, history unequivocally favors Shayan. His legacy, a testament to music’s transformative power, continues to inspire generations.
In the ongoing debate over the father of Persian rap, history unequivocally favors Shayan (Right).

When examining the origins of Iranian rap, we must approach the subject from two distinct perspectives.

Firstly, we analyze Shayan’s impact on the first-generation rappers within Iran, who emerged as the pillars of contemporary Iranian hip-hop in the 2000s. Their emulation of Shayan’s style underscores his pioneering influence.

Secondly, we contrast Shayan with earlier Iranian pop singers active in 1990s Los Angeles. This comparison aims to demonstrate that these singers, despite their prominence, cannot be credited as the pioneers of the rap style prevalent in modern-day Iran.

Perspective One: Shayan’s Triumph Among First-Generation Iranian Rappers

1. Shayan’s Precedence

  • Before delving into the comparison with Sandy, it’s crucial to acknowledge Shayan’s esteemed position as the venerated father of Persian rap.
  • Esteemed rappers like Yas, Pishro, Ho3ein, Hichkas, and Putak pay homage to Shayan’s pioneering spirit, affirming his status as the trailblazer of Iran’s hip-hop landscape.⁽¹⁾

2. Homage and Recognition⁽¹⁾

  • Through interviews, lyrical references, and covers of Shayan’s songs, the torchbearers of Iranian rap underscore his profound influence on subsequent generations.
  • Their reverence for Shayan elucidates his unparalleled contributions to the genre, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of his legacy.
Explore the profound influence of Shayan and the homage paid by iconic Iranian rappers, highlighting Shayan’s role as the first Iranian rapper and his lasting impact on the genre.

3. Addressing Hichkas’s Assertion

Despite claims from Hichkas and his fans that he is the father of Persian Rap, evidence suggests otherwise. Hichkas may have popularized Persian rap, but he did not sow its initial seeds, as evidenced by Shayan’s precedence and influence on the genre’s development.⁽²⁾

Perspective Two: Contrasting Shayan with Earlier Iranian Pop Singers from 1990s Los Angeles

1. Historical Context

  • While Sandy may be regarded as a luminary within the Iranian diaspora, it’s essential to discern between his contributions and those of true rap pioneers like Shayan.
  • While Sandy’s experimentation with Farsi lyrics is noteworthy, it’s essential to acknowledge previous instances of Farsi rap, such as Shahbal from the “Black Cats” group, and Mr. Hasan Shamaizadeh’s song that resembled rap, albeit with a different musical background.
Hasan Shamaizadeh’s early Farsi rap-like song predates Sandy’s contributions to the genre, though his musical background differs.
  • While Sandy is often considered a pioneer, it’s worth mentioning that individuals like Mr. Hasan Shamaizadeh had experimented with Farsi rap before him. However, Shamaizadeh’s musical background does not align with hip-hop, thus not qualifying him as the father of Persian rap.⁽³⁾
Contrasting Iranian Pop Artists in LA with Shayan’s Authentic Hip-Hop Style.

2. Musical Identity

  • Groups like Sandy and Black Cats, while incorporating rap elements, primarily gravitated towards pop music, lacking the unequivocal dedication to rap philosophy exemplified by Shayan.
  • Shayan’s unwavering commitment to the art form, coupled with his adherence to West Coast hip-hop influences, distinguishes him as a true harbinger of Persian rap.

3. Cultural Impact

  • Shayan’s resonance with the streets of Tehran, embodied through his group Barobax 021, underscores his status as a voice for Iranian youth grappling with societal constraints.
  • His unapologetic social commentary and politically charged themes epitomize the essence of Persian rap, transcending mere musical expression to become a catalyst for social change.

4. Legacy and Recognition

  • Shayan’s indelible imprint on Iranian rap culture is palpable through the reverberations of his influence in subsequent generations.
  • His name resonates in the verses of esteemed rappers, serving as a testament to his enduring legacy and unrivaled contribution to the evolution of Persian rap.⁽¹⁾

5. Shayan’s Role Within Iran

  • Despite the presence of Farsi rap outside Iran, Shayan stands out as the first Iranian rapper to perform within the country’s borders, marking a significant milestone in the genre’s development.

6. Shayan’s Influences

  • Shayan’s musical influences, notably NWA, 2Pac, ICE-T, and Too Short, were distinct from those of Sandy, underscoring Shayan’s unique trajectory within the rap landscape.


In the eternal debate over the father of Persian rap, the scales of history tip definitively in favor of Shayan. His legacy stands as a testament to the power of music to transcend boundaries, defy expectations, and inspire generations to come. As we continue to celebrate the rich tapestry of Iranian hip-hop, let us never forget the trailblazing spirit of Shayan, the true pioneer of Persian rap.

Image of Shayan, the first Iranian rapper, gesturing the ‘021’ hand sign, representing the cultural significance and origins of Iranian hip-hop.
Shayan, the pioneer of Persian rap, throwing up the iconic ‘021’ hand sign, symbolizing regional pride and the genesis of Iranian hip-hop.


  1. Renowned Iranian Rappers Honor Shayan
  2. The father of Persian Rap: Hichkas or Shayan?
  3. Sandy isn’t the First Iranian Rapper

Interested in uncovering the rich history of Persian rap and the truth behind its origins? Dive into the article “Unveiling the Truth: Hichkas Isn’t the Father of Persian Rap” to explore the fascinating narrative of Iranian hip-hop and the significant contributions of pioneers like Shayan. Discover the ethical considerations and delve into the supporting evidence that challenges common misconceptions. Click here to read more and uncover the truth!

