Yas: Finding Inspiration in Shayan’s Pioneering Tracks

How Shayan’s Music Ignited Yas’s Journey in Persian Rap

2 min readMar 25, 2024

Delve into the captivating tale of how one of Persian rap’s most iconic figures, Yas, found his inspiration in the groundbreaking tracks of Shayan. In this blog post, we explore the profound impact that Shayan’s pioneering music had on Yas’s journey in Persian rap, shaping the trajectory of his career and igniting his passion for the genre.

Yas pays tribute to Shayan the first Iranian rapper
Yas and Shayan: Two pioneering figures of Persian hip-hop who left their mark with their groundbreaking Persian rap tracks.

Yas’s Musical Awakening

In a revealing podcast interview with “One Hour with Underground” in 2017, Yas fondly reminisced about the moment that sparked his foray into Persian rap. Reflecting on his early days in Andisheh St., Yas recounted a pivotal encounter with Shayan, the renowned rapper who would become his source of inspiration. Witnessing Shayan perform Tupac’s songs and then seamlessly transition into a solo rap track in Persian left an indelible impression on Yas, igniting a newfound passion for the genre.

Inspiration from Shayan’s Lyrics

One of the key elements that captivated Yas was Shayan’s fearless lyrical content. In particular, the track “Donya Faghat Yani Pool” (World Only Means Money) resonated deeply with Yas, with its bold lyrics reflecting the harsh realities of life. The message conveyed by Shayan struck a chord with Yas, inspiring him to explore similar themes of social commentary and introspection in his own music.

A Catalyst for Change

Yas’s revelation that rapping in Persian was even possible stemmed directly from his encounter with Shayan. Prior to this moment, the idea of rapping in Persian seemed foreign and unimaginable to Yas. However, witnessing Shayan effortlessly deliver powerful verses in their native language shattered this perception, serving as a catalyst for Yas to pursue his own creative endeavors in Persian rap.

The Ripple Effect

The impact of Shayan’s music on Yas extends far beyond mere inspiration; it laid the groundwork for an entire generation of Persian rap artists. Yas’s journey from a curious onlooker to a prominent figure in Persian rap serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Shayan’s pioneering tracks, which continue to inspire and influence artists to this day.

Watch Yas’s tribute to Shayan:

Yas pays homage to Shayan the first Iranian rapper


In the rich tapestry of Persian rap history, the bond between Shayan and Yas stands as a testament to the power of musical inspiration. Through his groundbreaking tracks and fearless lyricism, Shayan ignited a spark in Yas that would ultimately shape the course of Persian rap. As fans, let us celebrate the enduring legacy of these two icons and the profound impact of their music on the Persian rap landscape.

