Recognizing 7 Common Shadow Behaviors in Ourselves and Others.

Aldo Rappaccioli Montealegre
4 min readMay 1, 2023


The integration of the shadow self through self-knowledge, according to the theories of Carl Jung and the workings of the unconscious mind.

Our minds have a way of shielding us from the uncomfortable truths we don’t want to confront. The darker aspects of our psyche, like aggressive impulses, shameful experiences, immoral urges, irrational wishes, and unacceptable sexual desires, are examples of shadow behaviors that people tend to deny even exist within themselves. Here are some common shadow behaviors that we may recognize in ourselves or others:

  1. The tendency to judge others harshly, especially when that judgment comes from a place of impulse. How easy it is to fall into the trap of the ego, believing that we are somehow superior and smarter than others. Yet, when we judge others, we are only projecting our own insecurities onto them. It is a practice that leads to separation and suffering, rather than unity and compassion.
  2. Insecurities, we all have them and it is natural to want to protect ourselves from them. But when we point out our own flaws in others, we are only perpetuating the cycle of suffering. It is important to recognize that we are all human and imperfect, and to have compassion for ourselves and others.
  3. The quick temper with people in subordinate positions of power is a common behavior that stems from our own feelings of helplessness and insecurity. When we try to exert power over others, we are only creating more suffering for ourselves and those around us. It is important to cultivate awareness and compassion in these situations, rather than reacting from a place of fear and anger.
  4. Playing the victim is a pattern of behavior that is often rooted in our own resistance to taking responsibility for our actions. When we refuse to take ownership of our choices and their consequences, we are only perpetuating our own suffering. It is important to recognize that we have the power to create change in our lives, and to take action from a place of love and compassion.
  5. The willingness to step on others to achieve our own ends. This behavior is a manifestation of the ego, which seeks to protect and elevate itself at all costs. Yet, when we harm others for our own gain, we are only creating more suffering for ourselves and those around us. It is important to recognize that we are all interconnected, and to act from a place of love and compassion rather than self-interest.
  6. Unacknowledged biases and prejudices are a common pattern of behavior that stem from our own conditioning and cultural programming. Yet, when we allow these biases to go unexamined, we are perpetuating harmful patterns of discrimination and oppression. It is important to do the work of self-reflection and examination, to uncover these biases and work to overcome them.
  7. The messiah complex is a pattern of behavior that is rooted in our own desire for validation and significance. When we believe that we alone have the answers or the power to save others, we are only creating more suffering for ourselves and those around us. It is important to recognize that we are all part of a greater whole, and to work towards unity and compassion rather than separation and ego-gratification.

These shadow behaviors may seem negative and undesirable, but they are a natural part of the human psyche. Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychologist, believed that the shadow self is an essential part of the individuation process, which is the journey towards becoming a complete and integrated individual. According to Jung, embracing our shadow behaviors and acknowledging their existence is essential for achieving self-awareness and personal growth.

The key to overcoming our shadow behaviors is to become more conscious of them. By acknowledging and accepting our dark aspects, we can integrate them into our conscious selves and develop a more balanced personality. We can achieve this by exploring our dreams, delving into our unconscious, and examining our reactions to situations and people.

The journey of self-discovery is a sacred one, my friend. As we delve deeper into the recesses of our psyche, we may encounter parts of ourselves that we have long denied or suppressed. These shadow aspects, although uncomfortable to confront, are essential for our growth and healing. However, the path of shadow work can be treacherous, and it is wise to seek guidance from a professional who can provide us with the tools and support we need to navigate this terrain safely. With their assistance, we can learn to integrate these aspects of ourselves and move towards wholeness and a deeper connection with our true selves. Remember, the journey is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

In conclusion, while shadow behaviors may be uncomfortable to confront, they are a necessary part of the journey towards personal growth and self-awareness. Embracing our shadow selves and acknowledging our dark aspects is key to developing a more integrated personality and achieving a more fulfilling human experience.

