Tor Wallet — A Privacy-Focused EVM-Compatible Wallet with Built-in TOR

First EVM compatible privacy-focused wallet with built-in TOR.

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5 min readFeb 21, 2024

While offering a comparable set of features, our focus remains on providing users with enhanced protection and confidentiality in their crypto interactions. We are proud to approach feature parity not only as a milestone but as a stepping stone towards a new era of secure and private wallet experiences.

As part of commitment to robust privacy and security, we addressed and resolved critical concerns within protocols like Ledger and WalletConnect.

Through our dedicated efforts, we developed our own implementations of these protocols specifically tailored for our wallet. This strategic approach ensures that there are no potential privacy leaks or security backdoors, offering users a heightened level of confidence in the safety and confidentiality of their crypto transactions. With focus on custom implementations sets a new standard for safeguarding user data within the crypto space.

Transparency and accessibility are paramount for us. All our efforts are entirely open-source, licensed under MIT, and designed for reproducibility. To further enhance trust and accessibility, we’re in the process of establishing a best-effort distribution system. This involves publishing the hashes of our builds to both IPFS and Ethereum, ensuring users have the means to verify the integrity of our software independently.

We’re committed to providing a secure and open environment for community to engage with and contribute to this project.

What is Tor Wallet?

As the first EVM compatible privacy-focused wallet with built-in TOR, it offers a comprehensive solution for users seeking enhanced protection and confidentiality in their crypto transactions.

With the TOR Wallet, your IP address is shielded and potential tracking or surveillance is prevented, thanks to its integration of the TOR protocol. Plus, the wallet goes beyond just privacy protection; it also incorporates additional layers of security measures, ensuring a robust solution for your blockchain interactions.

What sets the TOR Wallet apart is its commitment to innovation and constant improvement. The development team never stops building, continuously enhancing the product to simplify the process of decentralization for its users. With seamless access and trading over 10,000 tokens on various leading blockchains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and more, the TOR Wallet offers a diverse and comprehensive user experience.

Moreover, security is paramount for the TOR Wallet. It is compatible with the renowned Ledger Wallet, ensuring the highest level of security for your assets. Your security is further reinforced by the wallet’s diligence in requesting your password for on-the-fly wallet decryption, never storing your private key in plain text.

Why TOR Wallet? it’s Solution For Your Privacy

Tor Wallet goes beyond just preventing such privacy risks; it offers advanced features to enhance both privacy and security. By integrating the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet ensures that your IP address is shielded, preventing any potential tracking or surveillance associated with your wallet activities.

Moreover, Tor Wallet incorporates additional layers of privacy and security measures, providing users with a comprehensive solution that goes above and beyond traditional wallets. Experience a new level of confidence in your blockchain interactions with Tor Wallet’s robust privacy and security features.

Tor Token Utility — Tor Wallet

Tor Wallet is a privacy-focused EVM-compatible wallet that offers a unique token utility. It stands out by sharing 50% of the Swap fee directly with its users. This groundbreaking move sets Tor Wallet apart from other wallets in the market.


  • Metamask: Metamask has achieved a remarkable milestone by generating $200 million in revenue, primarily driven by the success of its Swaps feature. With Tor Wallet, users can enjoy a similar Swaps feature, but with the added benefit of receiving a portion of the fees.
  • Trust Wallet: Similar to Trust Wallet, Tor Wallet also offers anonymous transfers and supports all browsers and mobile devices.
  • Wallet Transfer Bonus: Holders of TOR tokens can earn a 0.15% bonus on every transfer made to any wallet within the Tor network, in TOR tokens.
  • Swap Bonus: Users holding TOR tokens can enjoy a 0.01% bonus on every cryptocurrency swap made through Tor Wallet.
  • Transparent and Cost-effective: TOR operates as a straightforward factory contract without imposing any tax fees, providing users with a transparent and cost-effective cryptocurrency experience.
  • Additional Incentives: Tor Wallet also introduces additional features such as Limit Order and Bulk Sender for more convenient and efficient transactions.

The tokenomics of TOR Wallet:

The tokenomics of TOR Wallet

Total Supply: 1,000,000 $Tor

  • 47.2% for Presale: The majority of the tokens (47.2%) were allocated for the presale, allowing early investors to secure their holdings.
  • 22.8% for Liquidity: A significant portion (22.8%) of the tokens were set aside for liquidity, ensuring that the market can support the fast and efficient exchange of $Tor.
  • 10% for Hold To Earn: A portion of the tokens (10%) were allocated for the Hold To Earn program, allowing long-term holders to earn additional rewards, which adds to the Swap Bonus Revenue Sharing program.
  • 5% for Advisory Board: TOR Wallet has reserved a portion of the tokens (5%) for the Advisory Board, consisting of industry experts and thought leaders who can help guide the project’s development.
  • 5% for In Wallet staking rewards: A portion of the tokens (5%) allocated for in-wallet staking rewards for users providing stability to the network through staking.
  • 5% for Wallet Farms: A portion of the tokens (5%) were allocated to the Wallet Farms program, allowing users to boost their earnings by farming tokens on the TOR Wallet platform.
  • 3% for Strategic Funds: Strategic partnerships, business development, and other strategic initiatives are covered by the 3% of tokens reserved for Strategic Funds.
  • 1.5% for Team Funds: A small portion (1.5%) of the tokens were allocated for the development team responsible for ensuring the continued development and growth of the TOR Wallet.

The tokenomics of TOR Wallet ensures a steady allocation of tokens across the important areas of the project, offering stability, incentivization, and ensuring a balanced development roadmap. This carefully crafted allocation increases the chances of a successful wallet ecosystem with boosted liquidity and incentive programs for users.


The cutting-edge Tor Wallet supports EVM-compatible chains including BNB, ETH, and Avalanche. The groundbreaking incorporation of the dark net technology Tor distinguishes Tor Wallet from other wallets. This unique function sends all network requests over Tor, improving privacy and security.

Tor Wallet protects your IP address from tracking and censorship using the Tor protocol. Transactions and interactions on supported blockchain networks are private, preventing surveillance and censorship. Tor Wallet lets you use the blockchain anonymously.

Tor Wallet offers several benefits in addition to anonymity. Its Swap Bonus Revenue Sharing model rewards token holders and minimal swap costs make trades affordable. Its interoperability with major blockchains and dedication to innovation make the wallet adaptable and future-proof.

In the end, take advantage of Tor Wallet’s seamless Tor protocol integration and experience a new level in crypto privacy.

#TOR #TorWallet #Securewallet #Metamask #Trustwallet #BNBchain #Blockchain

Learn more at TOR wallet website

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Forum username: Valerio Candreva

Bsc Wallet: 0x517Cb14829bCa427783299ae2806992c302f0072

