F Selfies. Embody Art, Save the World.

8 min readOct 18, 2018

Hopefully, we have all realized that we aren’t using our platforms to our best advantage. Small business owners and big brands certainly thought so. Look what they have done some platforms are one constant pitch and… that’s a better evolution than a sea of inert selfies. On Instagram in particular, I feel like selfie masters did level up. I’ve seen more professional looking model shots and, yet it does nothing but promote beauty. As our Earth cries out demanding we start paying attention to what is really going on around us, I think we can do more. For those that already consider themselves Humanitarian or Earth Warriors, yo! — We can do better. Especially those of us posting selfies that clearly have taken some time to create.

I was already under the influence of my superhero muse (Raver J) when I became interested in yoga. It was “Her”, after all, that led me to the yogic path. And it was my mythophrenic belief in superheroism that attracted me to the karma yoag or seva aspect of yoga (we can call this “the path of service” or “giving back”). Perhaps it is not coincidental then that not long upon my yogic journey I would start a nonprofit led by the mantra of Gandhi’s quote “you must be the change you wish to see in the world”. The quote reflected the inner-knowing that modeling behavior would be important in any change I wanted to see in the outside world.




Artivist, Superheroine, Inspiratrix, EDM Mystic: Standing 4the rights of the Planet & all Earthlings through Art, Awareness & Activism