The Hardest Fight Any Baseball Player Will Ever Have To Face

Rawlings Tigers
5 min readJun 19, 2018

Written by Ryan Rohmiller

📸Matthew Schott:

What you are about to read is the story of my baseball experience that I shared with my team to help them better understand the mental side of the game along with all the failures that come with it. Enjoy! -Ryan

When you feel like you’re struggling, understand that it’s only a ‘feeling’ being fed through your own thoughts. Those who think they are struggling have already accepted the thought of themselves struggling.

How do you define a slump? What is a slump? Is it consistent amongst every hitter? Does the definition of slump vary person to person? OR, is it a feeling you have already associated with yourself and your results?


What you think, you do. What if I told you that you were going to go 15 for 30 at the plate, but hitless in your first 15 at-bat’s. Would you accept it? Could you make it through the mental and emotional battle of going 0 for 15 to get to the 15 for 15, or would you eat yourself alive and never make it to the 15 for 15?

This game is teaching you how to handle your mind and emotions. Baseball is fun and, if you allow it, baseball can also be your school for life. If you’re on the emotional rollercoaster, living game-to-game, at-bat to at-bat…



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