Create a Bottom Navigation Bar the Easy Way (Part 1)

Ray Li
5 min readFeb 10, 2019


Good enough for Twitter, good enough for us!

Today, let’s create Twitter’s Bottom Navigation Bar with icons that fill in with color when selected.

But first, a bit of background info…

Google’s finally moved away from the Drawer Menu as the primary method of navigation towards something much better in the form of the Bottom Navigation Bar.

Unlike most of Google’s Material Design guidelines, Google actually provides us a Bottom Navigation Bar component for us to use in our apps. Thanks Google…

…or not.

Unfortunately, the default Bottom Navigation Bar Google gives us in the Material Components ( library is extremely limited and quite unusable in a production app. Plainly put, it is really terrible.

Google’s Material Design Team cruzin’

Fortunately, enough apps require a bottom navigation view and the problem is common place enough that there are a plethora of options to choose from when searching for replacement libraries on Github. After trying out most of the available options, I’m happy to say I’ve found the one that works the best. Say hello to…


Here’s what I love about this library:

  • Lots of customization options
  • Labels/no labels
  • Change icon size, or hide icons altogether
  • Shifting animation control
  • Color/tint control
  • Center Floating Action Button
  • Viewpager Support
  • Fancy Badges!
Who knew badges could be so fun and addicting?

Last, but perhaps most importantly, this library extends Google’s BottomNavigationView which means it effortlessly integrates with the new JetPack Navigation Architectural component.

Let’s see how we can use this library to replicate Twitter’s bottom bar.

Step 1 / Import Library

Import BottomNavigationViewEx into your project by copying this line into your app’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
api 'com.github.ittianyu:BottomNavigationViewEx:2.0.2'

The library is served by Jitpack so add Jitpack for the library to be found by Gradle.

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }

Finally, if you’re using AndroidX, add the following config options to


Step 2/ Declare Bottom Menu in XML

Next, let’s layout the bottom bar view in XML. Here, I’m putting the bottom bar in my MainActivity and aligning it at the bottom by wrapping it in a RelativeLayout.



Twitter’s bottom bar does not have labels and it looks much cleaner that way. Disable labels by setting the library property labelVisibilityMode to unlabled.

Step 3/ Create Bottom Menu Resource

BottomNavigationViewEx extends the Android framework which means we can declare tabs using menu resources. Create a Menu Resource in your res/menu folder using the following code.

menu_bottom_nav.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="">

Step 4/ Import Twitter Colors

To customize our Bottom Navigation View and make it look like Twitter’s, we need to use Twitter’s colors.

First, let’s get Twitter’s bottom tab colors. Twitter used their brand color for the selected tab and dark gray for the unselected state.

colors.xml<color name="twitter_blue">#1da1f2</color>
<color name="deep_gray">#ff657786</color>
<color name="tab_selected">@color/twitter_blue</color>

Create a color state list selector so the bottom bar can automatically apply the correct color to our tabs based on their selection state.

tab_selector.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:color="@color/tab_selected" android:state_checked="true" />
<item android:color="@color/deep_gray" android:state_checked="false"/>

Step 5/ Import Twitter Icons

It’s pretty difficult to replicate Twitter’s Bottom Bar without Twitter’s icons. Download those icons from this link:

One very unique “upgrade” that Twitter made was to use two different versions of their icons in addition to changing the icon color when selected.

In my opinion, this makes the icons more dynamic and is a nice additional microinteraction.

Like with the colors before, we can leverage a drawable selector to automatically switch between icon states.

ic_search_selector.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_search_selected" android:state_checked="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_search" android:state_checked="false"/>

Step 6/ Customize Bottom Bar Programmatically

At this point, the bottom bar is created in XML and appears when we run our app. However, the selected tab’s icon is larger and shifts when the selection changes. Currently, there’s no XML option to disable that shifting so we need to do it programmatically.

Copy the following function into the activity with the bottom bar and call it in onCreate

MainActivityprivate fun initBottomBar() {

Reload the app via Instant Run and voila!

Great work!

The next article will cover how to add notification badges to bottom bar tabs. Follow me to be notified :)

Everyone loves those notification dots, so yummy!

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