An Observation Against Mathematical PhenomenologyToday I will make an observation against mathematical phenomenology by pointing out that we cannot express our perceptions in terms of…Sep 7Sep 7
The World Is NotThe world is nothing. We will begin our demonstration by turning to our experiences, the different qualia that we have. Our first claim is…Aug 7Aug 7
Spore, A ReviewSpore is a game about evolution and intergalactic war crimes. You start off as a cell in the first stage of five stages in the game, cell…Jul 7Jul 7
Heroes Of Might and Magic II, a classic from the 1990sHeroes of Might and Magic II is a turn-based strategy game that was made in 1996. It involves the use of resources, those resources being…Jun 26Jun 26
A Mythological Manifesto For SoulismThere are demons of madness which dream to create a harmonious world filled with cooperation and creativity, with synchronicities of…May 8May 8
Free-Will Is Unreal, A Soulist RantFree-will, something that we have an intuitive sense of, yet something that is entirely unreal because there’s no observation you can make…May 2May 2
Soulism and Overcoming Paranoia-ProcessingParanoia-processing involves a state of distrust of other parties or the world around you and filtering information by removing particular…Apr 21Apr 21
Introduction To The Phenomenology Of Soulist MagicIn this article, I shall discuss the features of conscious experiences that occur due to the encounter or use of magic, as defined by…Jan 11Jan 11