Ré Harris
3 min readMar 11, 2017

George Clooney’s Bed and Other Stories I Dreamed

What does this mean?

Whenever I’ve had reason to describe one of my dreams to someone, they’ve tended to look surprised and ask if I really dreamed it that way, or they smile as one who knows and say, “That’s a good one — now here’s one of mine …” There are folks who refuse to be interested in any tale someone they know has had a hand in composing (awake or not), but even taking that into account, in the bulk of my experience folks either have vivid, weirdly cinematic dreams, or the idea of this strikes them as odd.

Now consider this real life scenario: First, my daughter researches lower family plan phone prices and settles on a company. Then (after a hard, years long tumble into hand-to-mouth territory), my sister becomes comfortable in her not-so-new-anymore, and thankfully in-her-field, job. This spurs Sis to offer to take up the slack between the monthly fee for my previous ‘I couldn’t read the internet on this even if I could afford it’ and ‘What do you mean texts come in a list of bubbles?’ and ‘Oh no! You TEXTED me a photo? I have to PAY for that!!’ phone and a new one, so she and I can enter the world of ‘smart’ phones together.

Of course, for years my daughter has been paying more for the convenience (I mean necessity) of this wondrous technology, and marveling at how Mom and Auntie have survived so long in the dark ages of low res photos and no apps. But Sis and I are wide-eyed newbies, she taking to this new thing like the proverbial duck to water, me still tending to stare at it with my mouth open.

The point of this is that now I am in possession of the right kind of phone to use Series. It’s as if Medium rolled this feature out just for me (giving everybody else access just to be fair.) The least I could do with both toys was think of a suitable subject and get to work.

This is all to introduce my Series, George Clooney’s Bed and Other Stories I Dreamed. It begins with a repurposing of the short short story in the Series title, which I actually did dream complete with the introspection.

As I render past dreams into (I hope) interesting scenes and abstract tales worth reading, I’ll add them in. (I’ll also be praying for the sleep that can produce new ones.) My aim is to channel some of my artistic impulses, and exercise my writing muscles. Let’s see how I do. If you like how it starts off, the last page has a “To sign up for updates” spot you can click to let you know when I add something new.

Now why am I suddenly nervous? Maybe I should take a nap.

Ré Harris

Muser, Writer ~ practicing storytelling like Hendrix did guitar.