Has the Indivisible Movement site on Medium been Hacked?

Ré Harris
2 min readMar 26, 2017


The March 14th article from Indivisible Movement, the article about Black Lives Matter, got my day off to an awful start.

I’m too upset to write this the way I want to, but I need to do something now, so I hope my sentences hold together.

I followed the Indivisible Movement site on Medium a while ago, but after racist crap from them made it into my feed today, I unfollowed.

I’m so upset. Yes, they’ve published some enlightening and interesting articles that relate to the fight against the new administration, but I’m wondering now if that was just to suck us in. Whoever’s running it finally sneaked in their real agenda-- soiling the Indivisible Movement’s good name by pretending it’s against Black Lives Matter, and that their position on implicit bias is that it’s a lie.

I was shocked for a minute or two, as I tried to make sense of the racist drivel I was reading, but when the author (a person of color?) first cited reprehensibly skewed statistics from hard right conservative website, dailywire.com, I realized something was up. Some kind of extreme trolling? To any of my friends here who care about progressive values and making the world a better place, and to those who’ve had articles published at Indivisible Movement, we’ve got to be on the lookout for this kind of stuff.

I put off writing this until tonight because I didn’t want to write this kind of thing today. I wanted a nicer day. A calmer day. Instead, this crap hits me in the face and sets my stomach churning early on.

It’s the right thing to do to give whoever reads this a heads up about what I discovered. To get this out there, because now I’m wondering if there’s any other explanation, something even more extreme, like hacking. Whatever it is, it adds up to the same kind of damage in the end, doesn’t it? WTF in a place you’d least expect it. Can they fight this kind of a hack? Did someone over there drop the ball bigtime? Is it a fake site with a hidden agenda?

The whole idea of this kind of trolling, or whatever, is so insidious. It’s probably not going to stop, so it looks like we have to keep on our toes and call it out whenever we see it. Knowing it’s going to be out there has to become second nature. And that last sentence just made my stomach churn harder.

PS: I wanted to add a couple of mentions to a few people I thought might be interested in this, but my Medium app hasn’t been letting me do that lately.



Ré Harris

Muser, Writer ~ practicing storytelling like Hendrix did guitar.