7 Reasons to Buy International Travel Insurance Before Going Abroad

Reade Milner
3 min readJul 19, 2016


Traveling abroad requires vigilance like no other. You’re in a different part of the world — a place where you need to have your bases covered.

If you get sick or injured abroad without any travel insurance, your medical bills will put a serious dent in your wallet. International travel insurance is what you need when you go out of your home country.

Here are 7 reasons why you need international travel insurance if you plan to travel abroad.

1) Domestic insurance can’t help you when you’re out of the country.

It’s called “domestic” insurance for a reason — it’s applicable when you’re at home. Many health insurance policies are limited to claims made within your home country.

2) Many countries require it

Countries like the United Arab Emirates require international health insurance. This is to avoid any grueling process that may occur during a health mishap, as there is a tremendous cost placed on the visiting country should they have to take care of you.

3) You’re not a superhero

Spoiler alert. Humans are breakable. Even if you’re the most careful traveler in the world, accidents happen. Just ask Mark Kogelman, a professional skier who found himself nearly paralyzed in a Chilean hospital.

Read Mark’s Story.

4) Accidents

Most think that international insurance only applies for extreme adventures abroad. However, this is not the case. Things happen when you least expect them, so you better be prepared.

5) Water

Most people — especially those from Western countries — take water for granted. But in some countries, a drink of water can send you rushing to the nearest hospital. Water-borne illnesses can require intensive hospital care. This can set you back tens of thousands of dollars by the time you’re cleared to leave.

6) New activities

One of the best things about vacation is that you’re able to try new things. As you can imagine, this brings with it the threat of injury from those new activities. Your body just isn’t used to the new stimuli.

For example, a high-altitude hike can take a toll on your health. Your lungs need to put in extra effort to adjust to the new surroundings. This is a potential health hazard, one you must be prepared to get on top of.

7) Global unrest

Terrorism and civil unrest is a scary subject, but something you need to think about. Especially in light of recent events in France and Turkey. If you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, a seemingly safe trip can quickly become a life-or-death situation.


International travel insurance is not a burden. In reality, it’s a small expense that can protect you from physical and financial ruin.

Click below to learn more about the benefits of international travel insurance.

This originally appeared on the Insurabroad Blog



Reade Milner

Sharing lessons from 8 yrs building a world class digital marketing agency in my hometown (and other entrepreneurial adventures) in Northeast GA, USA.