Mysterious ancient maps you’ve probably never heard of before

Real Department
2 min readJan 27, 2017


One of the most curious ancient maps is the 120 Million-year-old map called ‘the map of the creator’.

According to Russian experts, the maps is a staggering 120 million years old, and depicts the Ural Mountains and includes a series of civil engineering projects and around 12,000 kilometers of channels, dams, and hieroglyphs of an unknown origin.

Dahska Stone: A 120 Million-year-old map

Dahska Stone

Otherwise called the map of the maker, the stone tablet has astounded specialists as far back as it was found in 1999. While some think of it as incredible, Russian researchers appraise that this stone guide is around 120 million years of age.

Experts believe that given the accuracy and perspective, the map was created from an aerial point of observations.. Archeologists from the Bashkir State University found the Dashka stone in the Ural Mountains of eastern Russia on July 21, 1999.

Moli del Salt Map

Moli del Salt Map

This recently found map was discovered at the site of Moli del Salt in Spain and is believed to date back to the Upper Paleolithic, some 13,800 years ago.

The map was carved on a slab roughly 18 centimeters wide, 8.5 centimeters high and around 3.6 centimeters thick. It shows seven half circle themes.

The map was carved on a slab roughly 18 centimeters wide, 8.5 centimeters high and around 3.6 centimeters thick.

The oldest astrological map

The Kitora Tomb

The sky has been mapped since antiquity as shown by this astrological chart discovered in 1983 inside a funeral chamber in Ausaka, a town in the prefecture of Nara, Japan.

The Kitora Tomb, as it is known, was built during the VII and VIII centuries as a resting place for an aristocrat of the reign of Emperor Tenmu.

On the roof of the tomb, there is an astrological mural composed of a series of concentric circles that overlap at some points, between which we find depictions of the constellations, represented by small discs of golden sheets.

In this intricate ancient composition, we can also see numerous mythological elements and the zodiacal signs.

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