5 Reasons to Get Kids Writing …And One Sure Way For Them To Enjoy It!

Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Writing about life, particularly writing about feelings, has some surprising advantages. Whether your child is an introvert or an extrovert, he or she can benefit. Here are five great reasons to get your kids writing…and one sure way to get them enjoying it!

5 Great Reasons to Get Kids Writing

Writing boosts your immune system and relieves stress:

James Pennebaker, a Psychologist from the University of Texas, pioneered studies that proved this concept. His books reveal that writing about your life boosts your immune system, speeds recovery from trauma, and provides a strong sense of value.

Another study done by the University of Missouri coined the term the “2-minute miracle” as they found that writing just two minutes a day for two days provided big benefits.

Photo by Yuliya Kosolapova on Unsplash

Writing helps kids discover and process their feelings:

Rather than learning a typical dysfunctional method to get through difficult situations (keep your head down, ignore your



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